Need to vent... worst week ever.


Hey all... haven't been around much, just too much going on. And, if you don't mind, I just need to write down some things and get them off my chest. I've gone the usual route (best friends, neighbors, loved ones) already, but I still need to vent, and hopefully get some more support. So, if you don't care, please don't do me any favors and keep reading. I'll understand. And, to all others, thanks for caring.... here's my week of hell.
First, my Silverado decides to take a crap on me. Less than 55K miles on it, and the transmission decides to break. So, I'm now paying $415 a month for something I can't drive until I scrape up the money to fix it. Luckily I have another truck, but it's just a beater, and not entirely reliable, therefore I hate driving it.
Second, my great grandmother is diagnosed with a form of cancer. They don't know how long she's got, probably not long being as she's in her 80's. And I'm very close to her, and don't know what I'll do when she's gone.
Then, my kinda ex-gilfriend, who I still love very much may have ovarian cancer. Not a huge deal, but still not a cake-walk for a 18 year old woman.
And, I don't know if anyone else has heard but Richmond, Va. got hit very hard with a storm last week, and was almost completely underwater. Well, my uncle was in a very bad accident down there and was paralyzed from the neck down. He was transported to the hospital and re-gained feeling in his arms, but not legs. There was a bone laying on his spine, but they'd have to wait until he stabilized to operate. Well, he never did and died last night. I wasn't very close to him, but close enough that it definitely put a damper on things.
Then, yesterday I was setting my 29g. back up to move my silver oranda (best I can tell... if so, pretty rare fish) goldfish into from his 10g. Well, my ignorant self, in a hurry because I had somewhere to be, didn't check the water temperature. It ended up being way too hot, sent him into shock, and killed him. I've had this fish for a very looooooong time, and was very attached. To me, it was like seeing your dog laying in the street after being hit by a car.
Yes, I cried... I don't know if it was because of everything, or just because of the fish. I loved that fish.
I will miss that fish, I'll miss my uncle, and I'll miss my great grandmother when she passes. The truck can be fixed. My ex-girlfriend can be somewhat cured, my great grandmother may be ok for another 10 years... but, nobody can bring back my uncle or my fish.
Anyway... sorry to bore everyone, but I had to write my feelings down, and I know you guys are a great audience, so I'd rather get some feedback than write it down on a peice of paper and throw it away. Thanks to all who read this far... thanks for caring. :)


You know... Usually when someone has a bad week or even day, they start talking about girl/boy friends, grades, etc... I believe that your "week" is definately one worth hating...
I actually feel for every one of those things you mentioned. I do not feel what you do, because I am not you and those things are not happening to me, so I won't pretend to "understand", although I cannot empathasize, I truly sympathize.


Hey Steve,
Sorry to hear about your week. I've had a crappy time too lately, but nothing like the week you described. If you can, try to take a little solice in the fact that everything works in cycles and you are definitely due some good times now. The Lord will only give you as much as you can handle. Things will improve. Just remember "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger"
I hope you have a better day.


Active Member
Yeah, sounds like a crappy week. Those Richmond floods were pretty swift! .. Could always be worse though. You have to look at things in perspective..
PS. I this the same truck with smoke coming off the tires in the Avatar? It's a nice looking truck.


This may not hit you today, or even tomorrow, sometimes you just gotta cry. . .dry up, cry again. . . then pick yourself up and DO what you need to DO, No money yet to fix the car, so drive the beater until you can scrape it up, Go give your Ex girlfriend a shoulder, cause SHE"S the one with cancer, not you! Then go spend as much time with your grandmother as you can, because YOU need to as much as SHE needs you too! You'll feel better for and realize their is ALWAYS someone else in worse conditions than you are today. Thank God with just a nod to the heavens, that things are not WORSE! You'll be OK! tomorrow!
Here's a hug


I gotta say it or I won't sleep tonight. If the hubby and I have an argument, my dad always says, "Well he COULD be out drinking or cheating or beating you, things could be worse!" And for a long time I agreed with that philosophy. But in my "old" age I have come to realize that It's true, things can always get worse. But that doesn't excuse that what is actually happening is worth hating.
Every now and then you have a right to wish things would change, or that something didn't happen without pondering how lucky you are that things aren't WORSE. I am very much a christian, and I believe what jimnlee says, but that doesn't alter the emotional pain that comes with knowing you are going to lose a loved one, or that one of your parents just lost their brother. It can always be worse, but instead of reminding Bigsteve of that, let's try the whole sympathy thing.:D
I think his current situation warrents a little of that, with out taking away from somebody else's woes.:) :) :)


It's ironic, I was just rereading his post, and I have come to the conclusion that if he were to simply say that his beloved and long time fish just died, he would recieve a lot more sympathy/empathy..... Funny how we are.:notsure:


Kinda goes along with. . .when someBODY is killed or missing or maimed in some way we all feel bad for them but real people stop what they are doing and feel "Pain" for the (Animal) fish, puppies, kitties, whatever that was mistreated abused or killed in a tragic way, don't we?
Sorry,I wasn't trying to take away or alter steves emotions just adding another direction for him to concider! different opinion not a different feeling. another understanding hug steve!!

tony detroit

Active Member
I thought I had a rough couple of months here recently. My prayers are with you my friend. I had a close friend come down with ovarian cancer, things worked out for the good, not sure on the exact details, but things were nowhere near as bad as I thought they were, so keep your chin up.


Once again... thanks to everyone for the support. Here's a little update, and things are going much better...
My great uncle was put to his final rest Friday, creamated in his best and favorite attire. (You'll laugh... I kinda did, but he wanted it this way) He was wearing his full camoflage hunting clothes, with his blaze orange hat on his chest, in a pine box coffin with a mural of a white tail buck running through a field. Needless to say, he was an avid hunter.
And, I've almost got the whole truck thing figured out. Unfortunately it's going to require a personal loan, and another monthly payment. But, it shouldn't be too bad. (and yes, it's the truck in the avatar. guess I didn't do the tranny any favors, huh? lol)
And, I'm now the proud new owner of two little baby fantails. I know, I could do so much more with a 29g other than a goldfish tank, but they're just so personable and peaceful. I love fancy goldfish, and can't wait until I have my own house with a biiig pond full of them.
My great grandmother is actually rather full of herself lately... It hasn't slowed her down a bit. Which is really great news.
And the ex-girlfriend isn't exactly diagnosed with cancer yet, but has the strong possibility due to her family history. She's going to the doctor soon to find out, so we're hoping for the best.
Again, thanks for all the good words... makes me feel really good to know that I'm in a hobby with a great group of people that can take it to yet another level past the common bond that we all share to support our friends, even if we've never met. Good people are hard to find, and I think I've found a whole board full of them. :)


When feeling down, sometimes the best medicine is to talk about it. We do not always want people to try to fix what is wrong but just to listen to us! You have had a lot of loss this week, so I encourage you to keep talking about it! You are in my prayers.


Active Member
(and yes, it's the truck in the avatar. guess I didn't do the tranny any favors, huh? lol)
I would say you didn't help it any.. :)