Need Xtra Help On Fuge


I am moving in two months and am going to go from a 75 gal. reef to a 125 gal reef tank with a refugium. My 125 is brand new with built in overflows on each side. My original plan was to use a 20 gal tank as a sump for a heater, skimmer and two return pumps(2 mag 9.5) I would put some plexiglass baffles in it to help with bubbles. One pump would split going to one return overflow and going to a squidd. The other one would split with some going to the other return and the rest going to a 29 gal. tank for a refugium. The fuge would have some macro algae and some how I would cut a hole in the side for an overflow back into the sump. Not sure if this would even work??? Got to thinking today that that is a lot of work with a lot of maybe's until I read about a Aqua Fuge Pro Refugium Kit.(12"x30"x14", 3/4" bulkhead) Sounds a lot better for hooking up, but says it works up to a 90 gal tank. Would this be alright on my 125??(Can't afford to buy 2) If this won't work can I use this in conjunction with someting else? Does anyone have one of these? Thanks