Need your help


New Member
I have got a huge question that I need help with???
I have bought a new home in the same town I live so just moving across town,,, but how do I move my tank ?? 100 gal I have no idea what I might do with the fish and corals while I move rock and tank ? and how would I keep it from crashing when I get it all back together?? also should I get a small power head to keep the water flow in the containers that the fish will be in ? Please if anyone has done this before let me know how you did it ! Thank You ! :help:


Not to worry been done before.
First see if you can round up a couple hands to help out.
At new site - Get three 35 gallon rubber maid tubs (about $10.00 each at Wal-Mart). Mix up about 20 gallons new salt water in each one. Add a power head and a heater. Contact friends and lfs - people usually have extra stuff around. Now get yourself as many 5 gallon buckets as you can
(Sherwin-Williams paint stores around $7.00 a piece for new unused). Start by removing rock and corals into buckets and cover with water from tank.
Drive to new location and place in tubs. One for rock and one for corals.
Empty water into tubs also. Go back and get fish and inverts. Now place those into an empty tub, and put the lid on it to keep jumping out down to imppossible. Now for the actual work part. Go to old home, shut things down and as you disassemble equipment clean and service it. Pack it up.
Drain tank water into 5 gallon buckets. Empty sand into yet more buckets.
By now tank is empty, sump empty, equipment removed and cleaned, and now take time to clean tank.
Disconnect plumbing and load tank, sump, stand, hood, and all equipment into someone's truck. Drive to new site and begin assembling. Once all is ready put in sand, then rock, then sump, then equipment, add water (everything you have except for tubs with corals and fish & inverts). If you need to make more then do so now. Fill and leave run for 24 hrs. Dump in a bottle of cycle. Test, when no nitrites or amonia present you can put stock back in. Since everything was live (rock and sand) the cycle will go quick.
When all parameters look good then replace everthing.
I have done this in the last year with a 90, 125, and a 210. All have wirked out well.


New Member
I cant even think about doing this with out fear of killing everything!! i am really scared,,, Stupid I know but you know how much time and money I have put in to these tanks!!! :) anyways I didnt know about the containers (like the blue ones from wal-mart) I was un sure if they would work?? I am glad to know that I can use them... Just wanted to hear someone tell me what they would do.... Also wanted to ask you if you used anything like stability or stress guard?? or added a Nitro Bac ?? Thank You so much for your time! :)