I've always used the glass covers that came with my 75-gal tank, although I've experimented with leaving them off. The problem is that they get covered with salt spray so quickly from the filter and skimmer outlets that the actual light that reaches the tank is quickly dulled. When I leave them off the water evaporates amazingly fast and I have had fish jump out too. What do you recommend?
I have a JBJ fixture with 4-65watt compacts. I don't think the lights are strong enough for my 2 carpet anemonies, so I'm going to try adding my old double strip light with 48" regular flourscents, but it doesn't have a glass shield from the salt spray. I can't "hang" stronger light from the ceiling because I rent my home. Any suggestions?
I have a JBJ fixture with 4-65watt compacts. I don't think the lights are strong enough for my 2 carpet anemonies, so I'm going to try adding my old double strip light with 48" regular flourscents, but it doesn't have a glass shield from the salt spray. I can't "hang" stronger light from the ceiling because I rent my home. Any suggestions?