Need your opinions on glass covers


I've always used the glass covers that came with my 75-gal tank, although I've experimented with leaving them off. The problem is that they get covered with salt spray so quickly from the filter and skimmer outlets that the actual light that reaches the tank is quickly dulled. When I leave them off the water evaporates amazingly fast and I have had fish jump out too. What do you recommend?
I have a JBJ fixture with 4-65watt compacts. I don't think the lights are strong enough for my 2 carpet anemonies, so I'm going to try adding my old double strip light with 48" regular flourscents, but it doesn't have a glass shield from the salt spray. I can't "hang" stronger light from the ceiling because I rent my home. Any suggestions?


You are really not suppost to have glass covers on a salt water tank for the evaporation / gass exchange is reduce as you have noticed when you removed them . The evaporation is very important and I highly recommend removal of the glass tops and coming up with a new way canopy etc to help with thr fish jumping problem . A good evaporation rate is a really good thing and will help your tank.


I agree with the person above regarding glass tops. They really are hurting your light penetration along with evaporation, etc. Your carpet anenome really needs MH in my opinion. Adding some NO lighting will not help them. I don't know if you have the case, but there are MH fixtures that sit on top of the tank just like the JBJ with the legs.


A canopy is a cover but is not right on the glass I am sure you have seen tehm for most SW tanks have them and they will help from your fish jumping out. As mention which I forget to is yes the glass reduces your lighting as well which is also very inportant and really inportant if you have a anenome


My two cents:
Get rid of the glass canopy. IF you do not have a wooden conopy already, you can go w/ that, plus it'd make the tank look soo much better.
Another alternative is to use egg crate. It will allow gas exchange and doesn't limit the light penetration as bad as glass. Me, I just use the wooden canopy. I haven't had any jumpers yet, but if i did, I'd just get the egg crate and piece it where it is needed.
Just to let you know, egg crate is a plastic covering that goes on flouresent lighting, mainly commercial use. You can buy it at lowes or home dept and is pretty cheap. Easy to manipulate, or shape. That is just a hint, because when I first heard of egg crate, I didn't know what or where it was. I spent like 2 hours looking for some at lowes. lol.


Thanks to everyone for your replies—I do so-o-o hate to clean those glass covers anyway.
I have seen the combination MH, compacts and lunar lights advertised and have considered that. The ones I've seen would pretty well cover the top of the tank with about 4 or 5 inches clearance, which might help keep fish in. What I wonder about is: do they have to be removed to do tank maintainance? If so, are they heavy? (I'm kind of an old grandma and don't have anyone to lift heavy stuff) Does anyone out there have one and do you like it?
Sorry if I am slow in answering, but I do really appreciate your opinions!


so what about eels
need a good seal
does not a sump allow for evaporation ?
I ask this because I am an eel owner


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phil1964
so what about eels
need a good seal
does not a sump allow for evaporation ?
I ask this because I am an eel owner

holy crap, at first glance, i thought it said what about seals? i thought you were putting a seal in your tank.
dam, i need to stop putting bacardi in my frosted flakes


NO !
Keep the bacardi but switch to an oat based ceral instead of corn !
I posted because after getting my eel I put those plastic strips on the back edge of my glass top to prevent an escape.
I had been adding about a gallon of top off water every 2 days for a year and now I add 1 gallon a week.
I have an overflow to a sump underneath my 180
I thought the water flowing down and being pumped back up would be enough open surface to keep evaporation the same but it is not.