Need Your Suggestions


Active Member
sixline wrasse
true percs
tiger jawfish
leopard wrasse
copperband butterfly
dwarf angel of somekind
lieutenant tang
male bluethroat or sargassum trigger
tank is a 125 reef
Well I have decided to make some changes in my stocklist. Scratching the copperband and leopard wrasse. I feel that I would be able to care for a leopard but wouldnt want to go through all the trouble of getting a healthy one just to have it beat to death by my sixline. I decided to pass on the copperband because I dont think my system could sustain one. I am also starting to wonder about the dwarf angel unless I get one that is reef safe (who doesnt love their rare zoas?) So I need some suggestions. I have the 2 true percs, sixline, and jawfish. Deffinately want to keep the lieutenant tang and am 80% sure I still want a trigger. whats a good fish that eats hair algea besides a lawnmower blenny? I would like to keep my whole sandbed free for the jawfish (he's my favorite)
Open to all suggestions just no fish that are too expensive.


Active Member
I dont know if I want to start adding tangs right after the jawfish though. the jawfish is in QT now and has 2 weeks to go. I def dont want to add the lieutenant as my first tang and have heard koles are very aggressive towards other tangs added after it.


Active Member
after doing some reading I think I will add a cherub angel to the list and keep the male blue throat trigger. still would like to fill the leopard's and copperbands spots though. Maybe one more tang. What is the most peaceful tang that isnt the same genus as the lieutenant and isnt over $80?


If you are doing a reef a copperband is probably out of the question. Also having 2 wrasses might not be a good idea. I have a Kole tang and he/she is not aggressive at all. Do as much research as you can.


I had a cherub and it was nothing but trouble. Try a coral beauty. They are supposed to be the most reef-safe.


Active Member
whats everyones experience with sailfins in a 125? the red sea sailfin to be exact. would one of those show any aggression towards a lieutenant if the sailfin is in there first? do red sea sailfins eat hair algea?


Active Member
all fish are hit or miss. one person might tell you a certain fish is peaceful, while another will tell you of bad experiences. it's up to the specific fish. no tangs eat hair algae. when they pick at the rock and tiny hair algae sprouts are growing, they might eat them with the other algae, but they will not eat mature, tufts of hair algae.


Active Member
Ok I think I have made up my mind.
Midas blenny
Lieutenant tang
Male blue throat trigger
MAYBE an angel
This will also be the order I add them in. Anyone think the blenny and jawfish will fight?


New Member
If you're looking for something to eat hair algae, I would recommend a sea hair. It has by far been the best for hair algae that invested in and IMO is a great addition to any clean up crew. As for the angle, I had a flame angle that didn't touch a thing. But with any fish they are hit or miss.