Well it could be nudibranchs, spiders, snails, bacteria, formafertain(sp)?
There are a number of things it could be, there are dips you can use that you mix with 1 gallon of RO water I believe and kills pretty much everything except the zoanthids if I'm not mistaken, but I can't seem to find it in the supplies section of swf.com.
So I will have to get back to you on a name sorry.
Originally Posted by Rdub62 http:///forum/post/3167111
Well it could be nudibranchs, spiders, snails, bacteria, formafertain(sp)?
There are a number of things it could be, there are dips you can use that you mix with 1 gallon of RO water I believe and kills pretty much everything except the zoanthids if I'm not mistaken, but I can't seem to find it in the supplies section of swf.com.
So I will have to get back to you on a name sorry.
Do you mean Lugol's Solution?