Needing help making my own Reef clean-up crew!


Here is how my tank is set up
Tank: 125g glass
Sandbed: 5-7"
Water movement: Wave2K around 4000GPH
Rock: Around 200+ lbs
Filtration: 150 Pro Clear with built in skimmer
so what exactly and how many of each for my clean-up crew should I get.
Note: This tank has not started cycling yet and nothing live except rock will be added until cycle is over.


Hermits hermits and more hermits.
mine are always eating up stuff off the rock and sand thats either died, or left over.
Also, ive noticed that the bristtle worms are amazing it cleaning, but youve probably already got some that came in on your LR
also, there are these snails out there, i forget with they are called, but they are tiny tiny tiny, and they look like olive pits.
Cleaner clams will help out with filtering out nitrates
A few feather dusters will add beauty while adding ti the filtering aide of things.
there are sandsifting sea cucumbers that will aid in cleaning and airating your sand bed...


you will get as many different answers as there are memers. I only use mexican turbo snails. I do have a few hermits left but once they are gone no more hermits. Hermits love to wear the turbo snail shells and pound for pound I think snails are the way to go.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by BadOleRoss
you will get as many different answers as there are memers.
lol... isn't that the truth!!
I'll hit on the sand bed cleaners, as my opinion goes... NO sandsifting stars or no sandsifters at all. SandsHifters are good but nothing that eats micro critters in the sand bed. Lots of sand burrowing snails like the Nassarius & Cerith Snails, queen and fighting conches... as the tank matures. Also, try to find someone you can get some established sand from that has sand worms and other micro critters.


So so far this is what I am thinking.
Queen conch (how many of these should I have?)
Fighting conch (how many of these should I have?)
Nassirius(SP) (Around 20 would be good?)
Turbo snails (I get the impression I should have alot of these? how many exactly?)
Scarlet Hermit crab (around 20)
Emerald crabs (like 10 i heard they are good for your tank)
Anything else?


Active Member
IMO wait atleast 6-months before adding any conch. I'd do 2-fighting and 1-queen as the tank permits... this site recommends 1-fighting conch per-30g and 1-queen per-20g... this is due to them only being 1" long... both get pretty big though.
The other numbers you listed looks good to me for a start. I personally like the Astraea Snail instead of the Turbo Snails... from what I understand Turbo Snails have a shortened life span in aquariums do to the higher temperature. 10-20 of those would be a good start IMO.
and don't forget about some cleaner shrimp (maybe not right at first)... although they may not be part of a traditional cleaner crew they will do an excellent job of scavenging for food.


Clean up crew for 125 with 5 - 7 inch sand bed and 200 LR
Opinionated question but covering for algae in different types-
Scarlet reef hermits 36
Dwarf zebra hermits 36
Nassarius snails small 36
Super Tongan Snails 24
Cerith Snails 36
Turbo snails 24
Astrea snails 24
emerald crabs 4
Then don't forget a Sailfin Blenny also called a Lawnmower Blenny
Then Also like a Diamond Watchman goby to keep sand bed clean and well areated.


Ok yeah i forgot the cleaners. So how amny shrimps should I have and what kinds ? Also I might just take the list DeJaCo gave me and use that with minor changes. also i am getting a lawn-mower blenny.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
every time i get past 9 posts everyone stops caring. :mad:
I still care...
work calls sometimes

I don't think they are saying that Astraea Snails & Turbo Snails are the same thing... more that you will get either one or the other.
My favorite cleaner shrimp is the Scarlet Cleaner... I had 6 in my old 110g... and now have 4 in my 55g.
Lawn-mower blenny's are awsome... mine has never been much of an algae eater though.


Originally Posted by DeJaCo
Scarlet reef hermits 36
Dwarf zebra hermits 36
Nassarius snails small 36
Cerith Snails 36
Turbo snails 24
Astrea snails 24
emerald crabs 4
Also one lawnmower blenny
This plus like 8 cleaner shrimp like 5-10 pepermint shrimp and like 3 queen conchs and 2 fighting conchs? Do i need anything else to stir up the sand and aerate (SP) it?


Active Member
Looks good to me... I would build up to that point though and not add them all at once. At first the tank may not have enough food for a full size cleanup crew.


and then everytime before I get a fish i will add another cleaner shrimp and another 5 more of each and then do the same the time afetr that except adding 1 emerald crab and then etc. etc.