Needing input on moving one tank into another one


We have a 100g, that houses 2 cinnamon clowns, 2 cleaner shrimp and a coral banned shrimp, a yellow tang and a foxface. My husband wants to move everyone from the 25g to the 100g, but im worried that my little guys from the 25 will not been ok in the 100g. The 25g houses a small sixline wrasse, a lubbocks wrasse, a pink cucumber, and a yellow watchmen along with a boxer crab and a peppermint shrimp. The 25 has been up and running for 9 months now with everyone living in harmony..... Any input as to how well my 25g crew will work in my 100g..


Active Member
Is the 100 gal running yet.IM sure your filter is not big enough to use with the 100 unless you bought a biger than needed filter pump.Do you have a wet dry?Unless you you can use something with the biological system setup filter,wet/dry you are going to get a cycle.If not I would cycle it and then transfer them.You are going to need a bigger cleaning crew.When I did mine my filter where able to transfer to the new tank and I used half the water from mine and put in the new tank and did the rest like I was doing a water change,But if you could do it I would say you need to use all of your water for the new tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MsEz2u
We have a 100g, that houses 2 cinnamon clowns, 2 cleaner shrimp and a coral banned shrimp, a yellow tang and a foxface. My husband wants to move everyone from the 25g to the 100g, but im worried that my little guys from the 25 will not been ok in the 100g. The 25g houses a small sixline wrasse, a lubbocks wrasse, a pink cucumber, and a yellow watchmen along with a boxer crab and a peppermint shrimp. The 25 has been up and running for 9 months now with everyone living in harmony..... Any input as to how well my 25g crew will work in my 100g..
The Coral Banded Shrimp might eat the Boxer Crab and Peppermint Shrimp, but since there are Cleaner Shrimp in with it, maybe it won't. You'd probably never see the Boxer Crab in the 100. The fish should be fine though.


The tank is up and running and has been for a month now. The tank was bought from a couple who had it for over 10 yrs it didn't match the new furniture so they basically sold it for a price I couldnt pass up. They hired people to service it so the tank was in great shape. The tank was moved and I have not lost anyone we used the same water from the tank and added 20g of new water to help with the swing. I just thought that maybe my little 25g crew would get lost in the tank..


Active Member
You should be fine if it be runing and you just transported to your house.You are going to need more cleaning crew.Just aclimate and transfer.


We have a small problem with adding a cleaning crew we have 4 green striped hermits that can fit in the palm of my hand they are so huge. Everytime we add any snails or hermits or anything to help clean the tank they are taken out within an hour. My LFS asked if they were fed miracle grow. She said she has never seen hermits that large before. So until we can get them out and a new home I can't add anything beside fish because they wait for the dinner buffet I try adding. Anyone want 4 HUGE green striped hermits lol. They are so large you can hear them hitting the tank when they are walking along the sides. Thank you for the replys....


Active Member
....provide some filtration (mechanical/bio) information and it may help in the process.