Needing some input please!


New Member
My wonderful and loving husband has been attempting to engage me more in his love of sw tanks. Knowing my love of seahorses, he purchased me a tank for Valentines day. The only problem is that it is only a 20 gallon tank. It is all set up, cycled. Has live rock, live sand, and a kenya tree coral, and a small cuc. I didn't have the heart to tell him at the time that this tank may be too small for sh. Could I still use this if I chose the smaller Fuscus and chose about 3 females? I adore sh and would love to be able to use this tank.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, the actual TANK is always one of the cheapest parts of the system. SO.....if the tank really is cycled (i.e, the filter has an established biological colony, in addition to your live rock...) it might not be such a big deal to transfer the cycled contents of one tank into another new taller system. You may get a spike for a week or so, but that's a small price to pay. Just something to think about..... ;-)


New Member
Sadly the tank measures only 15" in height. Will be on the hunt for a nice, taller tank. Everything is pretty well established and has cycled so well. I am in no rush. I wasn't planning on adding sh til this summer anyway. I am not sure what we will do with this one seeing as it is a decent tank - just not for sh. I hate to not use it for something! We will figure that out after getting a bigger tank. He was only trying to surprise me, he just hasn't been doing the research and wasn't aware of the tank height requirements. Poor guy.


Active Member
Its very sweet, wish my hubby liked my hobby. lol You could always find a nice 37 gal cube and use that tank for a sump, or turn it into a nice ricordia, zoo tank.


New Member
Taking your advice Theresa and turning this tank into a zoo. Now the hubby is jealous - lol! Going to add some more live rock so that I can stage different levels. Next question is I would like to add a couple of fish that won't eat the zoo, any suggestions? Are peppermint shrimp safe for this tank? Again, Thanks for everyone's help!


Active Member
a couple gobies or blennys would work, also a pair of clowns or bangii. There are lots of smaller fish that would work.
peps are fine also.
You are going to still do a seahorse tank arent you???


New Member
ABSOLUTELY! Just going to take my time to get a tank that will give these beauties the environment they deserve. I have placed my order for zoo's already and I am really excited about them!
You will probably catch me floating around - I will be back especially when I find a tank and start the process of building it. Just going to take my time.