Needs some expert opinions, not getting any on disease theread- can't wait any longer


Fishmamma, are you having a large outbreak or is there just a few spots on a couple of fish? you may have answered this in the original thread and if so sorry for the repeat question.


Active Member
Itchy, just a couple of spots on 3 out of 5 fish.
Ophiura- Thanks for the fan tip, I can definatly do that on one tank. I know I will get some die off in the sand bed, but I figure the setup on my main tank will handle a spike better than an overcrowded QT. I do not have too much that is alive in the rock that is left or the sand bed in that tank so hopefully it will not be too big of a die off. (I say that because I used well water to set up tank initially, then switched to RO, but have some trace metal in my well water that kept killing off inverts. Problem is now erradicated through RO water usage and polyfilter , but left me with very few critters aside from hermits and newly added snails.)
I was planning on keeping this set-up for a minimum of 6 weeks if all goes well, maybe 8. Does that sound right to you Ophiura? Should I syphon out surface of sand bed for weekly water changes? I know I will remove sand but....... :notsure:


Active Member
Geez fishmamma,
I sure do wish I could help you out here. I just wanted to jump in and wish you the best of luck with all this. I think that you're gonna beat it, though.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I will confess right now to not being an expert on proper QT for Ick. :nope: I know you have to get the right salinity, and stay there for the full term....but don't want to go into more depth on it. Sorry :(


Active Member
Don't be soory, I really appreciate you talking to me about this, I was feeling so helpless and overwhelmed by it all this morning and just needed to hear some good feedback. I am just going to start mega garlic and Selcon loaded feedings, do hypo and pray to the Tank Gods that these little fishies get healthy real quick. If things take a turn for the worst I will do a Methylene dip and possibly copper treatment in the QT if it comes down to it. Thanks again!
Lisa- Thanks for saying hi. I guess this is where two tanks is much more stressful than one. :rolleyes:


Fishmamma, have you tried to soak food in garlic and add some vitamins and see if the fish can fight the ich by itself? Don't get me wrong , go ahead and set up your QT but try this before moving the fish. It doesn't seem to be a bad outbreak YET and if you see signs that the ich is getting worse you can then move them to the QT. Just a suggestion. I have been battling ich on my angel and tang..but it will only be a spot here and there. For the most part my cleaner shrimp and the food help the fish fight the ich with their own immune system...just like they would in the wild. I just keep an eye out every morning and if I see a sign that is getting worse then I would QT. Just a suggestion !!! Good Luck


Active Member
Thanks Itchy. I moved all but the bicolor blenny over to my 16 gallon tank (that tricky bicolor was hiding in a piece of live rock that I moved over to my 29 gallon, he wasn't suppost to make the transfer). I am currently lowering the specific gravity. I know I may have jumped the gun but I didn't want to take the chance of things getting worse before I started treatment, I am still trying to figure out what caused this in the first place. I am now leaning to the temperature change that occured in New England recently. We went from very cool to summer with no in between so the tank's temp's have been reaching 82 or 83 dergrees during the day, then going down to 79 or 80 at night. Maybe stressing the fish??
Anyway, all but one are starting hypo and I will be starting to add Garlic Extreme and Selcon to their food. Today there are no visible spots so far, I am just hoping this doesn't back back with a vengeance. Hoping they can fight this off on their own with little help. Wish me (and the fish) luck!!


Good Luck....hope things go fine for you. I always hate to have to move my fish. It is a pain to catch the buggers so If I can avoid it then I do at all cost.