Nem Split--again


Two and a half months ago my 14in nem split into 2 8 in nems--wow i was thrilled. Last night when feeding my fish and nems the one split nem look bad and really deflated, almost limo and dead looking, and now this morning when the lights came on, i now have three nems. All three full and great looking. It had mover out and down on my ribbon coral that it has been on since it first split. Before the second split the nem had a stalk from foot to head of about 10 ins.
This tank is a 29 gal bio-cube with 2 36W PC bulbs---any thing i put in this tank does great.


Active Member
So cool!! you must be doing something right!! now you could sell one for some store credit for sure.


Yes they are doing so well in there i hate to try and move one, but if i do move one i will try and put it in my 90 gal tank, at the end away from my big carpet nem.


Active Member
Congrats! Do you know what is stressing the nems out? Usually that's one of the reasons why a nem splits. One of our club members has raised nems for years and only had 3 splits in that time.


not sure if he ---or she--was stressed, but after the first split that one was in direct curent, and they both get a sliver slide and or krill several times a week, Neither one ever looks stressed, always fully open, hosts my clowns, allways full color, ever when expelling waste they never really close up tight, they just keep growing bigger heads.


I bought the one about a year ago, it was about 3-4 inches across, it took my clowns almost 6 months to warm up to it. It moved into its spot about three days after i put it in tank, and has been there ever since.

small triggers

Active Member
anemone 'breeders' basically do huge water changes to make them split, the shock is what makes them split. Not good or bad, just how it works.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Congrats! Do you know what is stressing the nems out? Usually that's one of the reasons why a nem splits. One of our club members has raised nems for years and only had 3 splits in that time.
nems dont always split cause of stress.
its normal if they split. its what they do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Congrats! Do you know what is stressing the nems out? Usually that's one of the reasons why a nem splits. One of our club members has raised nems for years and only had 3 splits in that time.
he said he feeds them silversides several times a week


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
nems dont always split cause of stress.
its normal if they split. its what they do.
OK.. and you got this information from where? How often do they split if it's normal to them? Yes they split from time to time


its a 29 gal bio-cube, i change about 5gals once ever two weeks-i make my own RO-D water. Now i need to put one in my 90 gal, i have just the place for him--i hope he likes it---haha.. I just covered all the power heads today , that i learned the hard way about 6 months ago, they do make a nice meat grinder and a big mess. I will let you know how the move goes.