NEM split


here are a few pics on my nem in my 29gal bio-cube--nem grew to about 13" across then it split last week Now each clown has their own--lol--waiting another week till fully healedthen mooving one to my 90gal--and hopefull it will stay at the other end of the tank away from my new carpet nem--bio cube is a little over a year old.



My anemone just split as well. I guess my clowns have reached that point in their marriage when they just want a good night's sleep, so they have separate beds now.
I've always heard not to have two anemones because they can "fight" with each other. Does this apply now? Hmm....

tax lady

they are beautiful!!
What is that in the back of the tank? Is it coraline? I have the same thing on the used tank I bought and was thinking that they tried to paint the purple cause of some being white and some real dark purple and the rest violet. ( Forgive me for being uninformed but I am new to marine tanks and just got mine a week or two ago.)


Yes it is a heavy growth of coraline--when i first started the cube i had a big piece of inert blue ribbon coral--that i had in a tank 20yrs ago--i put it in the cube just for looks along with live rock, now the ribbon coral is covered with the coraline, and both nems are stuck to it. Some day i might replace it with more live rock.