Nemo hates me!!!


I've had my aquarium setup for a little less than 8 months (a 55g)
since then I have had 5 ocellaris die.
I was dumb and my nitrates were way too high initially and the initial pair died.
Then I purchased two more. The one night I took the filter apart and cleaned it and didn't cover the hole the larger of the 2 went adventuring (outside the aquarium).
My question though is in the past 3 months both of my other oc have died. The last two have been looking great and the next thing I know is they died.
My last one was even hosting my bta, and it had been eating fine.
Nitrates are about 20 at the highest, usually at 10
I've been putting iodine, calcium and zoomax for the coral
Also periodically I put in Marine Snow for the scallops and anemones
What am I doing wrong?

bang guy

Are you testing your Iodine level before dosing it? It's really easy to overdose, especially after a water change.
You're dosing Calcium, are you testing your Calcium and Alkalinity levels?
How much waterflow do you have in this tank?


I dose Iodine once weekly but no I haven't tested
I dose Calcium daily small doses but no I have not tested either.
I have two powerheads with wavemakers each does about 175gph
A canister filter Fluval 304 which does about 225 gph
A skilter filter which does 250 gph
So there is about 750 gph in a 55 gallon I would assume that is ok
I know that I need to test for the others but how can the coral and anemone's and other fish be perfectly fine and the clowns die.

bang guy

Originally Posted by bkvreef
I know that I need to test for the others but how can the coral and anemone's and other fish be perfectly fine and the clowns die.
The corals and Anemone have a slower metabolism so they will take longer react to a bad condition. That doesn't mean your tank isn't in good shape, there could be something else wrong with the Clownfish.
You really should not be dosing anything you don't specifically test for.
What other fish do you have in the tank?