"Nemo" tank, not impossible/Lion fish


Went to the Mall of America today, where they have Underwater Adventure, or what ever they call it. Claim it's the worlds largest aquarium. They have a 'nemo' tank, with all the fish from the movie. It's about a 200 gallon. So, I guess it's possible for those who want to try it. All the 'characters' where there, and looked good. Even had Wannahockaloogy. lol
Also, and this was rather disturbing, They have these huge lion fish....only one was smaller than a football, and there were about 8 in the tank and they were very crowed, could hardly swim around. Do they get along because they were maybe raised together? They also had a sea star tank, but failed to identify any of the stars, and gave very little info on stars at all. I was highly dissapointed with this place....many years ago we were there and their reef set up was amazing. Now they have a tank....maybe a 175 gallon with some soft corals and a few fish...and their other salt water set up...in the 'main aquarium' had hardly any fish and no corals. If you ever plan to take a trip to the MOA just to see this.......don't bother. If you are going anyway, then it's okay, I guess. Lots of sharks and sting rays. I also met a little boy, age 7, who could name every soft coral in the tank and every salt water fish, down to scientific names. Smart, adorable kid! He made my day....he said..."if you ever need advice, feel free to give me a call!" LOL, what a cutie, smart smart cutie!!!! Good for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
That's awesome about the little boy!
Quick question.. did they even have a moorish idol in the "nemo" tank??


Active Member
Most of the things can be kept in a large system...that was not so much the issue. The real issue was keeping the moorish idols. And in this case, there is no way to know how often those fish are replaced.


Active Member
I think the oceans take the cake for "World's Largest Aquarium." The Mall of America didn't stand a chance. :D


Yes, there really is no way to tell how often they are replaced. Good point. My cousin used to work there, until last Feb. I'll have to ask him.


Active Member
And they look great, IMO, displayed together. I cared for a tank of I think 8 or 9 of them. Piglets that they were :)


the sad part about the lions was that they had no place to go....or should I say swim. They were just all crammed in there. I would have like to have seen them have room to swim around a bit. Oh well, that's the way these people run these $$$ making 'zoo's', little respect for the 'animal' more respect for the cash flow. Sad.