
i have been lingering around this site for weeks now and have become discusted with the message ppl have been sent from that disney movie nemo, clownfish are not what the movie represents, ha i like how they show nemo comfortable already in a brand new tank for him making new hobbyist feel they can handle it, clwons are hard specially one right from the ocean...they are going to be aggressive, so u ppl that have just started out with a clown for ur first fish...u make me sick, "i love clownfish now b/c of the movie they are so sweet and cute and innocent" if anythig nthat movie should make ppl not want fish, it shows how a family got seperated...sorry pixar..wrong message sent out there walt disney...:mad:


Lol, well welcome to the forums. You have a lot anger built up I see. I agree with you 100% about the clownfish. It makes me mad when I see people using them for cycling their tanks too. Actually, I bought a book and they recommend clownfish for beginners as they are cousins of the damsel. Also lfs have told me that they are very easy to keep and can tolerate water conditions. Now, this does not make it right to put a fish into a newly set up tank. I don't see the clown being different than any other fish as far as that goes. I think every fish should be welcomed into a good environment. If you can cycle your tank with shrimp or anything that is not living, then do that first. Be patient people. Just because you have a new fish tank doesnt mean you have to go out and buy a fish right away. This hobby takes lots of patience. I have already learned that in the four months that I have had my tank. If you do not have patience, then this hobby is not for you and you will not be very successful in the end.

the claw

Active Member
Now it's my turn to get flamed, but we have been trying our hardest to help someone else out tonight on the board in the new hobbiest section. "I may need help or helpwith water param" by michael. I have been sitting here contemplating whether he was a nemophyte as I would like to call them. Check it out if you feel like crying tonight.


:eek:Oh now that makes me sick :mad: WTF were these people thinking!!! I will never buy Tetra products again! Saltwater tanks are not that easy to set up and keep. Especially in that little bitty tank that they show. Was that a seahorse in there too!!! What f---ing idiots. They are just trying to sell there products and using that movie to do it. They don't care about the lives of those poor fish. All they want is money. I hope people see that and think the same thing I did and not buy there products anymore. That is so sad :mad: :mad: :mad: :( :( :( :(

the claw

Active Member
Tetras biggest blunder ever.
Jenni- Did you take a look at that thread water test help yet.
Ughhhhh what are these people thinking?????????????

the claw

Active Member
I heard there was a group from PETA I think it was that went around buying up all of the clownfish and setting them free. I just hope they weren't freeing them by "flushing " them to the ocean. Of course that made Death-co's day. Their profits were up because they thought sales were sky high, so they bought a bunch more clownfish. In turn the local collectors went out and had to net a whole bunch more fish. yada yada yada
i liek how they tried to save them but also tried killign them in the process..not all clowns have been exposed to the would be liek raising a girraffe its whoel life n then putting it in africa all alone it would die instantly

the claw

Active Member
The same organization did something whacky in your neck of the woods. They tranquilized a bunch of whitetail deer and put orange vests on them because they thought that people wouldn't shoot them because if they were wearing orange than they were probably hunters. Then some guy found out about it and offered a reward for these orange vests, so you had all of these people out shooting everything in orange for money. All but one deer was killed, but no human fatalities. 49 deer I think.


heard there was a group from PETA I think it was that went around buying up all of the clownfish and setting them free

hope not, that is the most irresponsible thing to do. it could put kill the ecosystem where ever they release them.