
hey i swin not choke im about like 40 mins from u n uhh
def reminde me not to wear any bright orange in the forest lol.....(that suks for dear):(


The lady at ***** said that they were a good starter fish? Oh well, I'm starting up with a Singaporean Angelfish and a Tang. Maybe even some clownfish, but it's in a 29 gallon aquarium, not one as small as the one in the link.


I hope your not serious CoreySebae about the fish in the 29 gallon. Angels need a big tank and a tang needs at least a 75 gallon tank.
I heard a story of someone wanting to save lobster from the grocery store, so she bought it and let in go in the lake in the back of her yard. She also left the rubber bands on so it wouldn't pinch her. If your going to do something, then do it right.
I wondered about the tank in the movie too. Isn't it illegal for someone to pick a fish off the reef like that and take it home. Also, the clown wouldn't be able to acclimate that quickly to a tank. The movie tank lookes like a 55 gallon to me and there is no way they could even think of putting a moorish idol in there. Pixar should have researched that a little better.
My lfs sells perc clowns, and most of the time people come in just to look at them, kids saying that they want one. I won't buy one just because they are soo popular.

bang guy


Originally posted by IswimNOTchoke
u ppl that have just started out with a clown for ur first fish...u make me sick

What is wrong with a Clownfish as a first fish?
What was your first fish?
Don't you think you're being a little harsh?


my 1st fish 1 pair of cin.clowns they helped start a 20h then moved to a45h we got them feb.2003 they are now in a20-l by them selves garding there eggs i think they are a good 1st fish that is m.op.


Active Member
I think she showed up with an "I'm Back" post a couple months ago and everyone said "Who Cares"...:D

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by CoreySebes
The lady at ***** said that they were a good starter fish? Oh well, I'm starting up with a Singaporean Angelfish and a Tang. Maybe even some clownfish, but it's in a 29 gallon aquarium, not one as small as the one in the link.

The lady at ***** is a dip$hit.

bang guy


Originally posted by Squidd
Somebody dug up an old bone, and you guys are gnawing on it...;)

Dang... I bit the bait again :rolleyes:
SAMMY!!!! You're supposed to protect me from my own gullibility!!!!!!
LOL I guess I'm a sucker this time... :p


Active Member
I read this thread yesterday, read the new posts today, and thought of just what I wanted to say to self-righteous little Choke Girl. Good thing I didn't.
Anyway, after I cycled my first saltwater tank, I bought these little sweet innocent and cute fish:


Active Member
Both are doing splendid. I wonder if it would p*ss her off to know that I named them NEMO and MARLIN? :D
I love the movie, and I find it insane that people blame highly skilled animators (those fish looked, moved and even acted like the real thing...) for the mistakes of parents, bad LFS people, and Tetra...


Active Member
I think they are refering to the Tetra Co. going on the CBS morning show. It was sickening. I think Overanalyzer sent them a very eloquent letter show them the error of Tetra's ways.
Someone posted a clip of it here. It was CRAZY the things they were say to get a "nemo and dori" tank of your own.
You were correct, but if you saw the clip you would go nuts.



Originally posted by nolofinwe
old bones aside, what was the tetra link about? I'm assuming they were pushing a tang in a 5 gallon tank.

Tang, clownfish, seahorse and a starfish in a freshly salt mixed uncycled 5 gal Eclipse.


Active Member
and don't forget the dechlorinator addition too. :mad:
AND all of the cutsie "stuff" they placed in the tank and didn't mention the salt will eventually erode them in the tank.
Here I go.........I better stop for now.......:rolleyes:
end of rant.


I don't know if its the same literature or pamphlet so to speak. But I saw something from Tetra and they described setting up a saltwater tank. if you read it, it makes out setting up a tank as easy as putting together IKEA furniture. Amazing.