Neon Dottyback


Does anyone have a neon dottyback in their tank? If so is it accepting flake food? I'm going on vacation at the end of october for a week and I'm trying to figure out if I can get by with a feeder or if I will have to have someone come in and feed for me. Right now I have a bunch of different frozen stuff that it eats, and I think it eats some of my freeze dried foods too.


you might try conditioning it to eat flake food before you leave for vacation. add a little in when you regularly feed. over time (it could take a while) he might start eating it. if he doesnt start eating the flakes, then i would suggest having someone feed them as usual when you are gone! jmo, good luck!


I just dropped some flakes in and I noticed he took one that was moving across the bottom of the tank. He's only been in the tank for about a week so he's still pretty shy. I'm guessing that plays a big part in why I haven't seen him take any.
I only noticed becuase I stepped back a ways to watch.


yeah just give him some time, and i think its best to back off while they are fairly new inhabs, while you feed. my new fish always ate better when i backed off a little.


I've noticed that in the past few weeks. I usually do that, but I'm always worried about a new addition.
So far I haven't noticed him messing with any of my hermit crabs or my cleaner shrimp. I hope he stays that way or he might have to go.


yeah neons have been known to get nasty. just watch him close. is he pretty small? hopefully he was aquacultured. if he is small and grows up w/ inverts u stand a better chance of no aggression than purchasing a wild caught or full grown neon.


I had one for a while, he would eat just about anything.
I finally traded him back in, as any new fish, he would attack the hell out of.
Beautiful fish, just was too aggressive in my tank.