neon gobies as cleaners

sea worthy

has anyone used neon gobies to clean there fish pryor to putting in the DT? I know most fish wont eat true cleaner fish.but what about the gobies? :notsure:


Active Member
Over the last 15 years every tank I've setup has had a neon for cleaning and never had a problem, even with Voltans


Active Member
I have a neon goby in my 210 display and all the fish love him. My lion and squirrel do not bother him one bit and he does a wonderful job cleaning.

sea worthy

Originally Posted by zanoshanox
THATS OUTRAGEOUS!!! Only 9$ at my
thats nothing they want $22.00 for 1inch and under!!! P.S. dont buy these wee ones in front of your wife!

sea worthy

the neons are very hard to find in my area i call all around, I find them at my big LFS;;;; 48 miles away one way! still worth the trip!


Yeah, neons are sweet! I have one in my 60, and all the fish love him as well. I only paid $10.00 for him. Great investment!


Active Member
My fish like my neons and tehy are $12 at my LFS for the blue striped. Now my neons don't care for each other. I believe it's one being very aggressive towards the other. Hard to tell since they are about the same size.