neon goby??anyone have one?


hey i was thinking of getting neon goby but im not sure what kind of fish they are(personality wise).dothey always hide or are they in the open?does anyone have pics?

sudn rsh

New Member
i got 3 of them they are really neat fish very active evertime i stick my hand in the water they try and clean it all i see is a little thing zoom up to my hand and feel something bump me and it scares me almost everytime


Try to get a captive breed one if you can....Here is SOFL they are local and get ich easily when brought in from the wild...I have one in my 6G tank though ...been in there since Jan and is doing great! likes to dig under my live rock....but usually somwhere visiable! cute little guys...pretty cheap too....15$ CB and about 6-10 from the wild...


Active Member
Yeah, I would highly recommend getting one. Very easy to care for, very hard fish, very active, and not a very big eater, so it will hardly count against your bioload. I have 4 of them in my 210. They are two pairs. One pair has a cleaning station on the left, and the other pair on the right.
I would also recommend getting tank bred ones. They are definitely much hardier.


ok well listen to this i was thinking of getting a 2 clowns but now i think you have changed my mind.
here is what im thinking for my 10 gallon tell me f this is ok?
1 neon goby
1 yasha hase goby and 1pistol shrimp
1 true percula