Neon Goby Clean Clowns?


I was just curious if a Neon Goby would Clean Clown Fish, specifically false Perc's. I think one of my clowns might be starting to get some sort of parasite, but he was eating great yesterday. Just noticed something odd on its tail, and am planning on getting a Neon Cleaner Goby this afternoon after work. I do not have a QT Tank
so hopefully it is not a big issue. Do those neon goby's clean all fish or certain types?


thats what neon gobies do, they're cleaners.
u should research next time before buying fish, you my end up buying something you regreat.
Good luck


You might want to look into a cleaner shrimp, they do a great job of cleaning fishes. I have two and they are always on the fishes cleaning them but also they help keep your tank clean by scavenging around the tank.


Active Member
STAY AWAY from the cleaner wrasse, they dont do well in home systems and usually die pretty quickly due to starvation.


Active Member
my clowns didn't like it when my cleaner goby tried to clean them. i don't why. it could have been only my clowns


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
STAY AWAY from the cleaner wrasse, they dont do well in home systems and usually die pretty quickly due to starvation.
I`ve had one for some time now , eats frozen foods .


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Whats some time? 2 weeks?
Well smart a$$ , I`ve had it for 4 months so far . Have you ever even had one ?


Active Member
Maybe you should do your homework before telling someone not to get something . As explained by many online retailers and a few authors , a true asset to the aquarium , the cleaner wrasse provides a service much appreciated by other tank inmates . Diet and feeding , skin parasites of other fish , chopped meaty foods including live , frozen , and some flake foods .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
Maybe you should do your homework before telling someone not to get something . As explained by many online retailers and a few authors , a true asset to the aquarium , the cleaner wrasse provides a service much appreciated by other tank inmates . Diet and feeding , skin parasites of other fish , chopped meaty foods including live , frozen , and some flake foods .
I have done my homework, and the overall census is that 99% die in captivity over time but hey maybe your that 1%?
These are not only frowned upon here and are on the list of things that preferably should br kept in the ocean as well in this forum and 2 other ones I belong to as well. Now what?
OH wait a minute, here it is!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
oh 4 months, congratulations! Success is measured in YEARS NOT months or 16 weeks, good luck and keep doing what ur doing then.
Just like I thought , you never had one . So how can you give advice on something YOU never had experience with ? Soooory , I couldn`t find one a few years ago or it would be in one of my tanks then . I think I will believe a professional over some inexperienced person behind a computer .


Active Member
Just like your not supposed to mix clown species or they will fight to death . I`ve done that with many different clowns succesfully . But you go on and believe what you read in your three little forums .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
Just like I thought , you never had one . So how can you give advice on something YOU never had experience with ? Soooory , I couldn`t find one a few years ago or it would be in one of my tanks then . I think I will believe a professional over some inexperienced person behind a computer .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
Just like your not supposed to mix clown species or they will fight to death . I`ve done that with many different clowns succesfully . But you go on and believe what you read in your three little forums .
Yeah ok! You seem to be rediscovering marine biology then. Keep up the good work!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Yeah ok! You seem to be rediscovering marine biology then. Keep up the good work!

No , not at all . You can`t believe everything you read . But you can believe what many professional long time reef keepers say .
Oh , and the link to the "do not get" list , is another example . I know a breeder I buy from that keep a mated pair of Bangaii Cardinals and has had them for years . Which is another fish that supposedly dies quickly in captivity .
Some of the fish that are on that list are recommended for wild caught fish . And states tank bred will do good in captivity . So keep reading .
But you know it all apparently from reading someone elses experiences .


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
oh 4 months, congratulations! Success is measured in YEARS NOT months or 16 weeks, good luck and keep doing what ur doing then.

Well , according to you 4 months is a long time . Remember they die quickly ? But hey , I have other things to do[like feed my cleaner wrasse] than try and change the mind of an expert .
Good luck with everything , what you do and read .