neon goby living in power head


I've been trying to catch him with his head out but he's too fast. He/she/it lives in the holes atop my Maxi-Jet 1200 (where the clip for the airline goes). He spends most of his day with just his head sticking out and the other goby sitting on top of the powerhead.
Do gobys (gobi?) have a preference on where they live? I'd kinda like to train him to live somewhere else just in case I forget he's in there next time I clean the powerhead.
I've thought of plugging the holes when I see both of them out and about but as soon as I put my hand in the water, one of them darts into the hole. I guess I could disassemble the powerhead under the water and flush him out that way :happyfish


Just an idea... If you plug the outlet with your finger then the water will come out the intake and air hole. Maybe you can get him out that way. :notsure:


hahahaha. I can just see him shooting 3 feet into the air

It's cute the way he sits in there with just his head poking out.
They are both out right now so maybe I can sneak up on him and plug the hole. They are busy chasing food around.
That did it. He's blocked now.
Now I'll probably end up with a psychotic fish on my hands :nervous:
oh well, thanks for the idea.