Net Caught or Cyanide Caught?


My LFS told me they only have 'net caught' fish and that they are much better than the ones caught with poison. They looked like nice, healthy fish and the prices were cheaper than my other LFS. Are they usually as healthy and disease free? Any bad experiences? Please let me know... Thanks!

bang guy

There is no way an LFS can guarantee Net-caught vs drugged. Only the individual that caught the fish knows.
Drugged fish are becomming less and less likely to show up at a store but I do believe it still occationally happens. A cynanide caught fish may not eat, may have brighter than usual colors, may not swim normally.
If you witness your fish eat heartily in the tank at the store it's doubtful it was caught using poison. Also, most stores I go into will allow me to hold it for a week if it's fresh off the boat, I recommend that.
They have no clue if they are net caught, it is impossible unless they went out and did it themselves, which is highly unlikely. Most LFS will lie about this.