net tank photo


Active Member
im sorry guys i dont have time to post the rest of the pics i took i recently got a few new corals from my bro because he is takin his reef and turning it into a shark tank btw its a 180 , i will post more pics tonigh
tell me what you think , this is my 65


Active Member
i have had the fire fish for about 2 months now he is real hardy i might pull my chromis out and get more fire fish
i am goin to start uploading the rest of the pics now.


looks very nice and the aqua scaping . maybe I can get my people with your people and they can all stack my rock nice too.

nm reef

Active Member
Looks like a well established reef...nice job. How long have you had the ellegance? I didn't have much luck with the one and only I've tried.


Active Member
ok no the rock is not glued my bro helped me stack it he does it like a champ, and the elegance is like 1-2 years old i have had it for 6 months and have not had one problem with it the tank has been set up for over 5 years so it is established.


very nice tank, its great to see a firefish out in the open as well!