Never again...hopefully!

So I had a hair algae problem when I set up the tank, my stupid fault. Anyway, switched to DI water, and made a few other changes but there was so much algae that even though my water was now good the dead was feeding the living and it was a cycle that I could not stop. So, out came ALL the LR! Into buckets of heated SW. 4 hours later it all was scrubed clean and rinsed with more heated SW. Then another few hours to get it 'just right' back in the tank, but WOW, what a difference it makes now, so much better! I am sure there is tiny tiny areas that I did not get, impossible to get 100%, but I figure I have a fighting chance now. I had the fish and inverts all in a 10g tank over night, now all but 2 fish are back in the big tank. I checked and all levels are fine so I do not see a problem there. The hardest part was to get all the LR back into the tank, in a position that I was happy with. Never again do i want to do that, it was not fun the 1st time, and worse the 2nd! I have held off getting anything new since I saw the start of the hair algae incase I had to do this, I did not want a ton of coral or fish to deal with. I will give it a month, if all looks good I can finally make my purchases, yeah!


Active Member
Westwind....cut back your feedings and do water changes twice as often. This stuff feeds on this. Best of luck dude...
Originally Posted by T316
Westwind....cut back your feedings and do water changes twice as often. This stuff feeds on this. Best of luck dude...

I was doing about 5-10 per week with the 110g, and evey other day feedings, minimal, only what they ate, still was not having luck. I think there was just too much dead that it was living on.


Active Member
Yes, that's pretty good on the water changes and feedings. Most people with these problems are feeding once to twice a day and changing water once a month, if that. When you do water changes, are you syphoning any of this stuff out, especially the dead?
Originally Posted by T316
Yes, that's pretty good on the water changes and feedings. Most people with these problems are feeding once to twice a day and changing water once a month, if that. When you do water changes, are you syphoning any of this stuff out, especially the dead?
I was trying my best to syphon it out, but it did not come out too easily.