Never Again


Never again will I put tap water in my tank.
I decided to give good water a try. So I went and bought some RO from Giant Eagle ( all of the water on the shelf 10 gals) and I came home and changed my water. NOW I have little bits of coraline algae all over the place over night.
SO SO HAPPY :cheer:


Honestly I havent noticed a change between Tap and Ro/di water. I still have algea doesnt seem any different. But very happy to hear you have coraline growing now :)


you and me both.. i have coraline algea all over my LR even my filler rock has it growing now..tank is starting to look awesome with all the purple..


Active Member
Tap water contains phosphates, which will feed the unwanted algae, which in turn with lighting can overrun your tank. Tap can also have copper in it which can kill your inverts.


I just noticed tonight I have a feather duster groing in my lr, itme to do another water change, to see what else will grow!


cosguy - I live in Cleveland and am looking for some place that carries RO water. So far I have had no luck. What brand of water are you buying from GE? And which GE are you getting it from?


i get it from the GE in amherst. it's the red capped gallon containers it's 79 or 89cents RO
Where do you get your livestock from?
Have you ever been to the salty critter in vermilion??
It's an awesome place. .
email if you want there web address


Most of the livestock in my tank comes from RMS. I don't really like the store, but its the best one that I have found within a 30 minute drive from me. I really like Aquatic Technology, but I have yet to buy any of their livestock. They are a bit pricier but you should SEE their store.:eek: