never buy from *****


i learned the hard way. bought 3 green chromis, two of them are dead and the last one is looking sickly. they look very healthy in the display tank, but just wait. I'm going swf all the way this time!


hmm, my local ***** is a great place, maybe yours is long has your tank been up and is it done cycling? if you were using the chromis 2 cycle your tank i wouldnt be surprised if two are dead


my tank has been up for 4 months and is fully cycled. there is no explanation other than they were in poor health. i even did the drip acclimation method.


***** is cheap for one reason - THEY DON'T GUARANTEE THEIR FISH. Nor do they take responsibility to whatever happens to your tank afterwards. Most of their fish tend to have ich, mostly due to stress (they use same stupid Wal-Mart setup -- shared small tanks).
My ***** is ok. When I was cycling, the 3 damsels I bought did have ich however.


I agree every saltwater fish I've bought from ***** has died. They hire people that only know freshwater in the ones Ive seen.


Active Member

Originally posted by Duke13
***** is cheap for one reason - THEY DON'T GUARANTEE THEIR FISH.

Most LFS do not guarantee their marine fish.

big pete

ok heres my 2 cents....EFF *****. ok so i was at my LFS and a lady approaches me and asks if im looking to work in an "aquarium" she is setting up near my house in my city. so of course i agree! i soon find out its *****, not just some aquarium. i was a lil iffy but i got the job anyway cuz i needed $. it took them like 4 months to process my papers and finally hire me and when i got there, all the fish were dying or sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was outraged! so i told my boss we couldnt sell these fish, and she said she was "workin on it". i guess so, but as a professional i would never put ANY sick fish out on display. I WOULDENT HAVE ANY SICK FISH. so after about 15 minutes i quit the to sum it up... ***** SUCKS AND SELLS ALL SICK FISH. BOYCOT BOYCOT!:


I do agree *****'s tanks are bad. I have an inside contact at our local ***** and he lets me know when the fish are arriving so I can be right there to get my fish before they even enter their tanks. Our local PECT has the oldest tanks in the country. I talk to the people that work their and they just tell me ***** management does not care about the fish section. If you want to know which ***** this is its the Allentown, Pa. store. the tanks are so bad that half of them dont even have lights in them. The tanks leak water on the floor and have a bad oder. The saltwater tanks are so bad that they have green and red slime build up all over them. Not one person working in the fish section knows about the fish. The Allentown store is bad realy bad. I watched fish die as they placed them in their tanks. The worker told me he cant pull the dead fish out until a manager tells his to. ***** need to clean up this store and every other store they have in the country. All ***** cares about is getting their money they dont care about the fish.


Every one get on ***** web sight and let them know how bad their tanks are. No saltwater or fresh water fish should be handled they wat ***** handles fish.
Whow bad is your local *****?



Originally posted by ViPeR_930
Most LFS do not guarantee their marine fish.

My main LFS does, it's not a giant chain store however.


Active Member
I do agree that ***** is not very good with there swf but not all are that bad. The one i lived near was pretty good. I guess some saltwater fish hobbiest was not happy with the way the handled their fish so the decided to work there. After a month or so their swf section was just as good as my lfs plus they sold their fish cheap. I guess it just depends on who works the fish section.


Active Member
the ***** where i live will give me money back if my fish die and i bring it in but that could be because i always bring it in when a person i know is workin dont know but i ve got my money back on quite a few things before like once with a lizard they told me to get a lite that was way to hot and it fried my lizard and that was supposedly there lizard expert and the fish guy there onlyy knows about the volitan lions and he cant tell you anything about anything else he said the only thing interesting enough for him to learn about was the lions


I would not buy anything from ***** if I did not have an inside person telling me when the fish are arriving so I can be right there when they come in. The Allentowm ***** is bad if any one on this message board lives there they can tell you how bad it is. These are wild fish and should be treated with respect not thrown into a tank filled with red and green slime.


Active Member
in the beginning, before i knew *****'s reputation, i bought all my fish from there. i must have bought 13 or so fish and all but one of them died within a few weeks of having them. the one i still have today, a year later, that is my purple firefish. needless to say i will never buy another fish from *****


first learn what to look for. slamming lfs will not bring back a dead fish . you said they looked good when you got them so just maybe they were but i know my water is perfect .everybody s water is perfect . we make it simple in my shop if your water is right your fish will be fine ya theres other things tanks mates ,eating bla,bla . a fool and there money soon part


:happyfish Hi kinda agree but kinda don't. For insance, I have 2 by my house ones a p.o.s. place run by teenagers who treat their tanks like s$%^. The other is run by an older man who treats them like his own tanks, and who's been in the buisness for a long time. Depends on who owns the *****, who runs the fish department, and who their distributor is. I typically don't buy fish from my local lfs's anymore anyways, I just buy online with my brother since he has a tank too, and we both get killer deals, and get what we want. I do get dry goods and stuff at the lfs though. -ali


Even if you can return your fish if they die I think i might stop buying there after a few times especially if they fry one of my lizards. Just MOP, but if i lost a few fish from one place I would buy there anymore, even if i knew someone that would exchange them for free