NEVER doing water changes?

Why does keeping one "difficult" fish mean success?
I am sure there are people keeping clown tangs, black tangs, or Rock Beauties too, all difficult fish, could be luck, could be expertise, hard to say.
But I argue the fact that the keeping of one "expert-only" fish alive indicates "long-term success" maybe short term.
Sorry for the rant, but it just sounded wrong...
Anyway, back to the question, I went for a long time with out water changes, nitrates and phosphates got out of control. Recently started doing water changes again, nitrates are way down, and fish do seem to be quite active. This is the best method, for me, for keeping trates/algea in check.


About a year ago, I decided that I wasn't going to do any water changes at all. I have three tanks (75, 90, and 120). Thaey are all reef tanks. I have an Ecosystem on each one. I will admit, I do change 15 gallons of water on each one about every three months. All of my levels are well within normal range. I test the usual 3 or 4 parameters every week and send water samples to a lab every 3 months to have everything tested. In my opinion, people need to understand that the inhabitants of the tank aren't sitting in old, stale water. I add about 5 gallons of fresh RO water every other day (every day to the 120). I also add Ca, kH controller (Kent) and nutrients every day. I have benn in many an argument on this board about using a UV steralizer on a reef tank and about Eco systems, but everything is kicking ass my tanks. Just my 2 cents.



Originally posted by MaroonClownFan
Why does keeping one "difficult" fish mean success?
I am sure there are people keeping clown tangs, black tangs, or Rock Beauties too, all difficult fish, could be luck, could be expertise, hard to say.
But I argue the fact that the keeping of one "expert-only" fish alive indicates "long-term success" maybe short term.
Sorry for the rant, but it just sounded wrong...

I would like to kick you in th butt and say, "you go try it", but that would be at the expense of the fish, so I won't say it.:p :rolleyes:
I haven't changed water in say...( no no no no flame plz!)
8-9 months-- everything seems fine to me.
Nitrates- 0
Ammonia- 0
Nitrites- 0
Oversized euro reef that barly fits into my sump and 400+ pounds of LR in a 180 Gallon tank =P
(No flame once again plz!!!)



Originally posted by kyaney
send water samples to a lab every 3 months to have everything tested.

Where do you send your samples to? is it a local store next to you, or a mail order type of thing??
That would be great if i can send something mailordered and get all my results back...
how long does it take?
what are the errors that could happen (having water out of your tank for such a long time)
thanks in advance,