never hand feed your eels


Active Member
kinda sorry his lost his thumb, but come on
. it was only a matter of time before the thing bit it off, look how similar the food looked to the thumb! now if it was an accidental thing i might have some sympathy, but really



Active Member
classic idiot. a) why would you even attempt to make a big wild eel associate people with a hardy meal. Now the next diver looking to take a pic/view has to put up with an overly interested large eel b) they brush the titan trigger off like it wont bite a finger off as well. c) there seem to be several divers down there, you'd think one would have sense enough to quite while they were ahead. d) cheapo's could have used more appropriate feeders.


Active Member
He's a smart one. Maybe next time he will cut a huge steak into a human shape and feed it to a tiger shark. ***)


Active Member
Cant people learn to leave the viscoius ones alone?? Play with the angelfish not the moray eels. Duh


Active Member
Id rather have no thumb. My cousin lost his thumb water ski-ing. The rope tied around it and ripped off. Hes fine without one. When I was a kid hed do the lost thumb trick. But his was actually gone lol.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Id rather have no thumb. My cousin lost his thumb water ski-ing. The rope tied around it and ripped off. Hes fine without one. When I was a kid hed do the lost thumb trick. But his was actually gone lol.
Ha, when I was little I would have been so dissapointed that I couldn't prove that he had a thumb....I relished in proving to people that they really did have thumbs when they said they didn't

Hmmm, it's things like this that make my faith in humanity drop so constantly...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ci11337
He's a smart one. Maybe next time he will cut a huge steak into a human shape and feed it to a tiger shark. ***)
thats a good one.


well he lucky the eels didnt bite the other part of him that looks like a hot dog...u kno what im talking about guys. ahahahhaa yeah i dont think a toe would substitue that piece. :hilarious


Originally Posted by iampumpkinman
Second, people like these are how the term "natural selection" was coined.
LOL, I agree. . . haha


Active Member
i cant believe how many times i said is this guy fn stupid while i watched it
maybe next he will hand feed a great white with a sardine and let natural selection take place


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I had no idea that they did this...but it sure looks like they're still developing the procedure...and now it looks even more like a hot dog than before (albeit a nasty one).