Never thought this would happen to me...


I woke up this morning to find my royal gamma half engulfed in my anemone. Should I remove it, or let the anemone finish its meal? I have heard of anemones eating fish but I never thought MINE were like that. The royal gamma was fine last night.
Also, can anyone ID this anemone? I am almost positive I bought it from this site as a bubble anemone, but it doesn't look too bubbly to me. However, it has split 4 or 5 times.



About a month ago my green carpet ate my red wrasse. Sorry for your loss. I got rid of mine, back to the lfs. It moved around so much I felt like I was babysitting a little kid who gets into everything. I can't identify, but I know how it feels. Good luck.


thanks, i would LOVE to get rid of mine, but i cannot prye them off the rock. i have tried fingers, ice, power head, etc all with no luck. and i only started with one for my clown ..and it still hosts it, but it has split and now i have a total of 5..


awww, that poor fish. The look on his face and his mouth open, like he was "screaming".... poor thing. So sorry for your loss.


Active Member
That first picture is just to sad to look at.
My bubble tip does not "bubble" that much, he looks more like a LTA. He has split once and the new half would not stay still. He ended up down in my sump (all on his own) and then decide to wrestle with my skimmer's pump (he lost). My original BTA has stayed still and so far no casualties. Lucky for me my Royal Gramma stays on the other side of the tank most of the time. Do you spot feed your BTA? Maybe he just got to hungry to wait for his next meal.


Active Member
Sorry to have to see that. The poor fish does look like it is screaming. I can see the clown in the background in the second picture watching the action! I hope that the gramma isn't too big of a meal for the BTA and gives it "indigestion."


Active Member
I agree with the LTA. Also, if you decide to let your aneome eat it, WATCH OUT for it spitting it back out. Most the time corals or inverts that have a single mouth that are agressive enough to do THAT to a fish, will look like they ate the whole thing. Then sure enough several hours later half of it gets spit back out (the part it can't digest). Either pull it out or just keep an eye on it I would guess; cause it could REALLY foul the water.


Active Member
How l ong have you had the gramma? Never rule out the fact that it may have died as well. Often times we miss that. :(


thanks for all the responses! yea, the poor little guy does look sad in the first picture. reminds of of the movie "dead silence" haha. my parameters are all in check, the only problem i have right now is a little aiptasia i need to get rid of. actually what i think happened is i had one anemone, and it split into two. later those two split again giving me a total of four. all this has happened over a year or two also, but i do not feed them. i guess i will start now!! and i haven't had the royal gamma too long. probably 2 years. i got it when i got the anemone (both were ordered from this site). however, the royal gamma was one of the largest i have seen- a good 3" atleast, so maybe he was just old.



Active Member
Nice tank. Either way you run the risk of something like that happening. You don't feed them, and they might eat your fish. You do feed them, and they might eat your fish. Problem is with any invert or fish that eats the same food as anemones do, is that if you feed the anemone, you might have the fish or invert go after the food and become the food. It's kind of hit or miss either way.