New 10 gal!


Well I finally upped my cracked 5 gal mini bow to a 10gal. I retrofit an incandescent strip light with 2 10 watt 50/50's (from my 5gal) and a 1X55 watt 50/50 PC (sticks out of either side of the hood, going to fix that later...) thats a total of 75 watts. Its MUCH brighter than the 5 gallon. I have in there now 13-16 lbs of live sand, 6.6 of live figi rock, 2 turbo's, 2 blueleg hermits, green/red star polyup, purple/red zoo's (hoping they like the new 75watts...) 1 peppermint shrimp, and 1 Orchid dottyback (Friedman) And next payday going to get some more figi rock, some astreas, and maybe an emerald crab... I might hit up the Marshall Island frag tank at my LFS too... That marshall stuff is spendy... Pics coming tomorrow after it clears up. Still a lot of debris from the sand. Later all.


Sounds good...cant wait to see some pics! Going to get my 10g running soon as well(as soon as I get my 30g going)


Camera's having issues... Bought a Purple Lobster today. killer little dude, flouresces with the actinic lighting. 14.39 after my 20% discount, and 10% off SW kritters sale. God I love working at *****... -=welcomes flames=- :D


pic #4. It looks a little sparse, but its getting more rock soon. Today I gotta go pickup 3 more hermits, and another peppermint, he comitted suicide in the powerhead. 75watts of 50/50 PC looks great in there. Much better with 7.5 watts /gal than 4.


hmm yup seems to be a Ricordea, I thought it was a FS though. Its got two mouths, on one head, so its about to split already. its almost doubled its size in 3 days... I think it likes my tank.


great looking ricordea and that lobster looks awesome. good look with the tank. keep the pictures coming.


hey havoc

seems like the coral in #2 has done some growing, it looks a lot fuller snice it was in that 5gal:yes:



Originally posted by Reef_Magic
hey havoc

seems like the coral in #2 has done some growing, it looks a lot fuller snice it was in that 5gal:yes:

It did all of its growing in the 5Gal. These are the first updated pics in like 2 months. But that ricordea loves the 75 watts. Waiting on the dumb feather duster I bought to re-grow his crown. I guess he shed it in the store just before I got him.