new 10 gallon


New Member
i have had a 10g set up for just over a year now and the tank has been terrorised by a green thick sludge algae lol well no matter how many times i clean it still reapears in 3-4 days so ive decided to set up another one i am wondering should i add half of already established water in new setup or just start fresh and wait for it 2 cycle. thankyou


what kind of water were you using before? and how bout now? Reverse osmosis, ocean water, or regular tap water?


sterilizeing it as in boiling or UV? neither one will get rid of the phosphate that is in your tap water. try some phosphate remover and see if that helps before you start another tank.


New Member
i think i just want to start a new tank because it was my first tank and had no idea wat i was doin but now i have found this site i have realised my mistakes in the past so i just want to start a fresh new tnk. does phosphate cause algae


You dont' have to start over just because you have algae problems. Before I didn't believed it when people told me not to use tap water till I got the same problem as you. Then I started using RO water and everything's better. Just get rid of the algaes you have now and start using RO water and you'll never see them again. Do a 10-20% water change.


New Member
i have done a water change and added some turbo snails but i think they need a new turbo lol they havnt moved in like 24 hours they are alive coz dere antenas are moving ill see how it pans out after a week any other suggestions
thanx 4 ur help ogredawg