New 100g Tank Here



middle pic was before i added my 33 lbs of live rock from the LFS today


Cool, it's clearing up. Are you doing fish only with live rock or coral also? I was wondering because your lights will probably only work with fish only. Are you thinking of upgrading them?
I was working on installing a sump on my 10 gallon. Instead of doing it right, I just got the cpr overflow and I will tell you what, I am not going to sleep well for a few days. I didn't want to sink too much time and money into this tank because it is just a temporary reef until I a 75 gallon DIY project built, which I havn't started yet. After I get the 75 gallon up, this will just be a frag tank, mandarin tank or something. Did you figure out your daily evaporation yet?


its gonna be a reef tank with reef safe fish and corals and maybe an anemone too i have not marked the sump yet but im thinking it is 1-2 gallons a day which is not bad. i looked into the ro/di and i found some 50 gpd for under 200.00 so i might get one also ordered a korlia 3 for my tank also. i think next week if my readings stay the same i will try to add a crab or snail to my refugium


For lighting you will either want 2 of these or one of these http://www.**************.com/store/...5-fixture.html with an extra 150 to 200 dollars worth of bulbs if you want to be able to keep hard corals. With these lights you probably wouldn't have anything you couldn't keep under them. Most all sps like acropora would need this much lighting to do good. Almost anybody will tell you, don't go cheap on lighting. It just costs you more money if you don't get what you want the first time because you won't be content with it long if that isn't what you want to keep in your aquarium. Let me know if you have any questions.


Readings for today:
Ammonia = 0.25 ppm
Nitrite = 0 ppm
Nitrate = 10 to 20 ppm
Temp = 77.8 F
Salinity = 1.025 ( little high )


hey ibanez i found the light that will be perfect but gonna have to shell out 370.00 lol but here it is thanks to the help of Teresa
60 Inch 4x54 Watt AquaticLife T5 HO Light Fixture W/ 4 Lunar LEDs
AquaticLife™ 60 Inch T5 High Output Lamps with 4 Lunar LED`s
T5 HO Light Fixtures These AquaticLife™ T5 HO fixtures offer 420/460 nm, 700+ nm and Lunar light in one streamlined unit.
•Timer controls T5 HO Fluorescent Lamps and Lunar LED`s independently.
•Adjustable width Aquarium Frame Mounts support fixture above the aquarium.
•Gloss finish front side compliments the matte finish on top and ends of the fixture.
•German-made specially angled reflector maximizes light by directing it into the aquarium.
•Suspension Ports allow connection to optional cables for various mounting configurations
•Four Sleek Fixtures
Lamps Included:
•(2) 48" T5 HO 54W 420/460 Lamps
•(2) 48" T5 HO 54W 700+ Lamps
•(4) 1W Lunar LED`s


today's readings
salinity = 1.025
ammonia = 0 - .25 ppm
nitrite = 0 ppm
nitrate = 5 - 10 ppm
temp = 77.5 F


so what ya think Ibanez think im ready for a cuc or a pair of clowns?


It is hard to tell since it hasn't been very long. If your pretty sure the rock was precured at the lfs you could try adding a fish. Have you been ghost feeding flake food? Based on parts per million, you have like 130 gallons of water or something right, that could be a substancial amount of waste being produced without being detectable. In other words, it may take a little longer for your cycle to present itself with the tests you have. Do you have a large brown diatom bloom? You wont want to add a cuc until you do or they will starve.


well the some of the rocks had coraline algae on them when i bought them so i know they are cured and i will take a pic of the coraline. ya i tested ph today and it is 8.0


salinity = 1.023
ammonia = 0 - 0.25 ppm
nitrite = 0 ppm
nitrate = 10 - 20 ppm
temp = 78.5 F
PH = 8.0
going to LFS to get some snails and hermits and 2 ocellaris clowns


Good choice, and a nice quantity for your first add. I hope it goes well for you. Remember you won't see the nassarius snails much but if you look at night, you see there little snorkle poking up from the sand.


ya it was funny when she pulled them out of their tank she had to feed some of the fish in there and then they poked the snorkels out lol
how long you think i should let them sit in there and drip?


It depends how close your parameters are, but watch the water, it will quickly get cold and cause more stress to the inhabitants. so not too long. about 1hr to 1.5 hrs


Nice misbar clowns; that big hill of sand in the middle, is that because of your power heads? That could be causing some of the haze.


Lots of good info in here.
I am also new here and just started a 75 gallon.
(About 2 hours ago.)
I also ordered 100lbs of live rock online and hopefully that will be here sometime next week.
Tank looks good Ryno!


Good deal, you should start a journal thread in the reef section and document the whole process. I would be curious to see pictures of the rock in the box and out of the box if you want to take pictures of it. I have always been nervous about ordering live rock online. I like to be able to pick it out in person, but I would like the luxury of having it delivered to my door.