new 125, help


Active Member
I just got a 125 gal and i think iam going to go aggressive.
This is what i have in mind for fish
-black tigger
-spiny box puffer
-bamboo eel
-panther grouper
- i dont know the name but it is a greenish trigger, niger trigger?
Add stuff and take away stuff or make whole new list, i need ideas
O i like the harliquen tusk also.


Active Member
c'mon people i have a new list
-black trigger
-niger trigger
-mabe bamboo eel
-some type of lion
please reasponed, every one has an opion


I heard from other people on this site that you should not have a trigger and a lion cause the triggers like to nibble at their spines. And I heard that the black triggers are almost as bad as the clown triggers. that is my opinion. I am doing a similar set up aswell.
dalmation puffer
lunar wrasse
soon to come:
huma trigger
niger trigger
helican tusk


Active Member
if the lion is bigger than the trigger i think that it will not pick at it. And a black tigger is one of the calmer triggers, the niger trigger i was refering to is greenish.
Why only one trigger and i thought the grouper would get too big.
yeah black triggers and niger trigers are the same thing and i would not put a lion in the same tank as a trigger cause it will pick away at the lion until it is dead usually


Active Member
ok the one iam talking about is a blue throat. The niger trigger is spelled n-i-g-e-r i knew i was right. I like them better then the hawian black triggers.
Ive been told by some people that i can have a lion and by others i cant so i will try one a keep a close eye.


All triggers will eventually nip at the lions fin IME. Even if you keep them well fed. Not a good match. Congrats on your 125 sandman.
i have a aggressive tank so ill give you some imput, im runnin a brownbanded bamboo shark, a snowflake eel, a shortfined lionfish, two percula clowns, and a maroon clown.
now to answere your question about the fish you want.
eels are usually pretty docile unless harased, if harassed then if the fish is small enouph, he'll eat it, i wouldnt get the trigger cause ther pretty aggressive twords other fish, i once had a baby blue spotted ribbontale ray and a picasso trigger in the same tank, the trigger niped at him alot wich cause the ray not to eat, so the ray died within a week.
the lionfish are pretty calm when young but when older they tend to eat anything (fish) that will fit into ther mouths.
anything else just im me


Active Member
Well iam deffinatly getting a trigger and most likely 2, lets just hope i get some nice ones.:D I have changed my list once again
-black trigger
-blue throat trigger
-Harlequin tusk
-Flame Hawk
-Dragon wrasses
Now what to u think, iam sure ill have a new list tomarrow LOL


I have a rectangulus trigger, a Niger trigger, and a black volitan all in the same tank and they all get along fine. so i guess it all depends on the fish.


Active Member
yeah i guess it really does , i haev heard the same thing from some one else, i will just have to try and kepp a close eye:eek: .
How do u like ur Black trigger?


I love all my fish they all have thier own personality. I also have a dragon wrasse, and two clown fish in there also.:D