New 12g Aquapod


New Member
About 1 hour old aquapod. I just set it up how does the rock work look? The back filter has 4 compartments. 1 with a big blue sponge, 1 empty, 1 with bioballs, and then the 1 with the pump in it. so how do i set this up for it to be a reef tank??


congratulations, welcome to the nano world.
you should take the bioballs out and go to the LFS and buy yourself 1-1.5 lbs of live rock rubble to put in the slots in the back. you'll also need a submersible heater set approx: 76-80 degrees F.
is that rock you have in there cured or uncured? i noticed the piece of rock on the bottom right looks like gap island rock?... if so, schweeet.


Active Member
looks great! I agree with the last poster... also make sure you clean or replace the sponge once a week. Good luck!


New Member
I dont think the rocks were cured but the pieces i bought didnt have anything living on them that i noticed


the bioballs arent necesarily bad, they can just build up nitrate. if you keep them in the filter you just need to clean them every week. i find the live rock much easier.


Active Member
yeah the live rock does the same thing as the bioballs ( host beneficial bacteria) it's just less of a hassle because you don't have to take the live rock out to clean.


New Member
today I took out the bioballs and have two chambers filled with liverock and one with a sponge. The water temp is about 81 degrees, what is the ideal temp for a reef tank?? Does anyone recommend adding anything to the tank like prime to speed up the cycling? Also that is a clam, well its a clam shell.


i just let my aquapod 12 cycle with live rock and live sand. my trates are a little high but other than that everything is good. just cycle with ur live rock. it only took mine 2 weeks to cycle.


New Member
I have added more live sand, a little bit more live rock, and live rock rubble to the filter compartments. In chamber two it is filled with lr and in chamber three it is filled halfway with lr and the bioballs on top of that. any suggestions for the filter?? what about filterfloss what does that do and should i add it in there somewhere? as for the cycling it already spiked and went back down in 5 days, is that normal?? i added a damsel to help with the cycling, the lfs guy recomended this and said i can return him for store credit, so i will keep him for a couple of weeks then i want to get either a royal gramma and a clown or two clowns, what do you suggest? Also i was wondering what is the best way to set the power heads (i think thats what they are called, the things that blow the water out). I have one blowing behind the lr and one blowing to the front of the tank. Here are the new pics



ohh boy, your gonna get some crap from some ppl about having that damsel in there to help cycle. i dont really have a preference but be careful cause some ppl on here can be harsh haha. good luck and keep us updated. i also have the same tank as you and the only living things i have so far are hermits and broke, i would have a fish too but i dont have any money. :joy:


New Member
thanks, i think my tank has allready cycled though. All the levels went up and now they are all perfect.


New Member
It Looks Good. I Have One With Alot Of Stuff In It. Everything Is Doing Great. The Only Thing I Don't Have In It Is A Skimmer. I Have 5 Fish,candy Cane,star Fish,clam,live Rock, Trees, And Other.