New 12g NC


I just started my first nano tank today. I used to have a 55g and a 75g sw set up. I had stopped aquariums after a disasterous move to my new house. That was about 3 yrs ago. I am pumped, cant wait to get my clean up crew in there. I will post pics tommorow.


Here we go, after I cycle the tank I would like to have some mushrooms, zoos and a bubble tip and possibly a clown.



Active Member
looking really good. now if i were you i would brake the rock so i can make a different aquascape. the rockwork really isnt making it look good. but the tank is super
sorry to be so mean but one whole big rock isnt good,.


No problem everyone has their own opinion, I actually have about 150 lbs of bleached LR from my old tanks, many are smaller pieces. I just happen to prefer using the larger pieces. It is less than 24 hrs old so I am sure that it will change many times. Thanks for the advice, and hopefully you guys have a lot more for me.


Is anyone aware of a timer system that can be used with the nanocube 12 DX lighting? I want to be able to use the moon lights which is not possible with a conventional timer.


Thanks nissan.
Here are some new pics. I took them with my Iphone, so I hope they are ok.
My tank now has :
1 clown
1 emerald crab
7 margarita snails
3 cerith snails
1 moon snail
1 skunk cleaner
2 mushroom polyps
1 orange zoa colany
2 small super zoa colonies
2 small star polyps


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
$5 bucks say your gonna buy one.
also inkman what phone you got for pics like that????
Dude.. I don't know if I have the room.. I thought I was out of room before but I made an order through and some LFS's and now I'm up another 5 coral. Brains get BIG.. it's so tempting though.