New 1X150 Watt HQI Sunpod Fixture on Hex Tank


Just got my 1X150 Watt HQI Sunpod Fixture and it looks great. My question now is how long do i leave it on for? what is the best cycle for the moon lights?
Do I turn both moon lights on at the same time or is one for night and one for early morning then turn on the main light?
Also do you have any suggestions on where to start with coral i do not have any yet been running for about 2 years without great lighting. Have good water quality (i think, see photo)



Active Member
i had the same exact tank before i upgraded. have you established flow? what is your nitrate level? i would leave lights on for 4-6 hours. up to you tho.


Active Member
2 years with out great lighting? if your quality is good, and stays consistent, you could try some mushrooms and zoas. they are good and easy corals to keep. also with the light, moonlights keep on after the UV light is turned off. what i didnt like about the sunpod is that there arent any actinic bulbs. you could have used them for sunrise and sunset. but with that tank it was so hard to find a metal halide fixture. i would add some more LR if i was you. also wwhat are u using for filtration? with water flow, try to keep one power head facing a slant so you can get some deflection, and another power head facing a slant, but in the opposite direction. take a pinch of sand and let it go in the middle of the tank. if you have a good circular flow then you should be fine. with hex tanks a circular flow is the best you can do..just my .02


Active Member
here's what my hex used to look like before i bought my nano tank. i prefer the nano bc i hated my HOB filter, and there is alot more swimming space in the nano as opposed to the hex..



i think my filtration may be the next thing to upgrade then...been running a 350 magnum canister with a protien skimmer...
any suggestions of filtration my movement is pretty good...
also most of the tanks i see dont have air bubbles..should there be an air pump for bubbles or not?