New 2 Aggressive Side, Need a Little Help (:


New Member
Let me start off with my name, Wats up every1. Name's Aaron. I live in houston texas, Im a junior in highschool. 16 goin on 17 july 6
. Drive a Chrysler 300c Hemi. Spoiled, what can i say. That's my baby and i got alot of stuff to make it look fly. Workin at aeropostal in the mall. O yea cant 4 get basketball is my sport. Played 7th grade through 11th and still got varsity year to come. GO ROCKETSSS 22-0 BABY!
See i got everything set up to my 110 gallon aquarium. It use to b a reef tank but I thought hey ill go head and make it a nice little aggressive tank. I kno how to maintain everything but i just wanna kno what aggresive fish or eels could go in it. I got 75lbs of LR and i got alot of sand. I cleaned the tank out reallll good. Took my old sand out and put new but kept the LR. Can someone tell me what Fish or Eels can go in it.
Thank U 4 Ur Time


Welcome to the boards!
There are some very helpful people that will chime in and help. I will let them talk/give advice about the tank before I do.


Active Member
Hey most people on these boards are going to skip right over your post because you don't write out your words. Please do us a favor and spell out everything.
As for your tank it really depends on what you want. the midsized eels will do ok in a 125. And maybe a smaller trigger.


New Member
Alright, How about one mid-sized eel. Like a Snow Flake Eel. I was thinking One snow flake eel, One Frog Fish. That's all I got in mind for now. Can I add other fish to the aquarium with them if the frog fish is fast enough to get to the food before the other fish. I might have to hand feed the frog fish. If I have to ill do it. No dought about it but i for sure want a frogfish and a snowflake eel or some type of eel that is mid-sized
Frog fish are very very very cool to have. Although if he is under 2 inches you will most likely have to hand feed it like I do mine. 110 I think is AMPLE room for an juvenile Snowflake Eel. Hell it took 2 years for my tesselata to outgrow my 125. Frog fish aren't really even aggressive until they get large. They are very shy and quite a timid fish until they get about 2 or inches long ( coincidentally when their mouth's are huge).
Welcome to the hobby.


New Member
Man, The Egregious. You are getting me all excited
. I def wanna get me a frogfish or two but you kept a tesselata in your 125? That's tight. When you got him or her how big was it? and did it have any tank members or your kept it by its self? I probably wont get me a snowflake eel. Something more that keeps its mouth open when it breaths, looking all mean and what not. Does anybody think I can keep a frogfish, a mid-sized eel and some type of groper or lionfish or trigger. I really like the snapper. I saw one at the near saltwater store and it was about 1 1/2 inches. Feel totally in love with him but I wanted to see what kind of answers I would get if I asked yall if I could get one.


go all triggers put like 5 of them in that tank.u want aggressive go that way!!get a wolf eel or a undy eel they are great eaters


i have 15 fish 6 eels in a 180!!it can b done!!everyboby get along ok in my tank!most people say u cant put a undy trigg with other fish i have 2 of them with all my other 1 has died.mabey im lucky(as others will say)i just like total movement.


New Member
Undy? I never heard of that eel. I tryed lookin it up on yahoo but i couldnt seem to find it. How much do they run?


New Member
I agree with slackjawed, I would really love to see some movement in my tank. Were i can just drop food in there and they attack it. Do triggers get along well with frogfish cause no dought ima get a nice one in there


i dont no .probley not lol.just rember that all these fish live in the ocean u can put anything together as long as u have some places for them 2 me get a undy trigg with like 2 other triggs and a wolf eel u will c total movement and i only feed livefeeders like 50 a day


Active Member
no triggers and frogfish will not get along. They will kill the frogfish.
Triggers will nip at anything that looks like food to them. They are lightning quick and are meant for only aggressive tanks. Your frogfish is considered aggressive because it will eat fish, but it cannot do the damage that triggers do.
As far as putting multiple triggers in your tank as Slackjaw suggests, it is not advisable.
A 125 is a good size tank, but cannot support a large trigger by itself through maturity (queen, blueline, titan trigger).
IMHO - get your snowflake or a nice Brazillian moray, a frogfish, and a couple of other larger fish (one tang, a dwarf angel, and a mid-size angel [cream, rock beauty, singapore, flagfin])
Please dont listen to someone that says 15 triggers in a 180 is a good thing when each of them will average 15" when full grown in 2-3 years if fed correctly.


New Member
Alright slackjawed u convinced me into getting a undi trigger, They seem like real aggresive and thats def what I would want in my tank. Appreciate it
So do you still have ur tank running?


New Member
ccampbell57- I love ur default pic, is that a angel? gorgeous. With that size of a fish im guessing u got a pretty big tank
And yea ima stick with my little frogfish till it grows up and right now im looking at the Brazillian Morah and its beautiful eel. That's what kind of eel im looking for
. Thank your help

lol and why is this about to go to south, cause of the 15 trigger in a 180.
alright thanks for the heads up.


Active Member
Thanks! It is a Clarion angel. It is one of the rarest fish in the hobby. I have a 180 and am upgrading to a 375+ this year. You can see my tank and all my inhabitants in my thread about my queen angel arriving :)
Good choice with staying with your frogfish. They are very cool. Keep in mind they dont need a ton of space, so your tank will look very bare. Think about some some other fish that can go with them.
As for the going south part. It has been an ongoing issue with some members of the forum (not just one). They inject VERY bad advise and take none from others. They are set in their ways and it will end up badly for them. Being short-sited in this hobby is VERY bad. You need to look at the end to see the present.
Welcome to the boards and we are here for your help.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
no triggers and frogfish will not get along. They will kill the frogfish.
Triggers will nip at anything that looks like food to them. They are lightning quick and are meant for only aggressive tanks. Your frogfish is considered aggressive because it will eat fish, but it cannot do the damage that triggers do.
As far as putting multiple triggers in your tank as Slackjaw suggests, it is not advisable.
A 125 is a good size tank, but cannot support a large trigger by itself through maturity (queen, blueline, titan trigger).
IMHO - get your snowflake or a nice Brazillian moray, a frogfish, and a couple of other larger fish (one tang, a dwarf angel, and a mid-size angel [cream, rock beauty, singapore, flagfin])
Please dont listen to someone that says 15 triggers in a 180 is a good thing when each of them will average 15" when full grown in 2-3 years if fed correctly.


New Member
ccampbell57- Im so getting me a clarion angel and putting it in my saltwater croc. I think it should do fine in there with him. LOL IM SO MESSING AROUND, My croc still a baby. Only about 7 inches. He so cool to watch and stuff.