New 20 gal long w/ pics


I didnt know where to post this on and since my tank is only a 20 gal I still consider it a nano in size
I set this tank up about 2 moths ago (only rock, water, and sand) all of the corals and a couple of LR pieces came from my 10gal that I tore down to set this up. Tell me what you guys think
here is my 10 gal RIP lol

here is the FTS

Left half tank shot

Right side tank shot

I'll post more as I go enjoy


thanks I really appreciate the comment, as far as lighting I use the jbj viper 150w 14k MH fix. I got it for 50 bucks at the fish store that I work at and honestly I am very impressed with the way it lights my tank and all the corals seem to like it too. Deffinatley have to see it in person to trully appreciate this tank. Btw when I took this pic it was a couple of hours after I transfered everything from my 10 so all the corals where still getting used to the new tank, I'll post some new pics later on today because everything is fully opened up
thanks -SD


Originally Posted by TriGa22
That tank is awsome! Do you have any fish?
Atm the only thing I have in here is a purple lobster that I've had for a long time, also there is one little hermit and about 5 diffrent snails (diffrent species). The first fish I am going to put in is a possum wrasse I built this tank with the intention of keeping one since they are reclusive animals I built tons of overhangs and caves for him to feel right at home. I'm not to sure about what other fish to add after that tho, I get a pretty good deal on fish so any suggestions on fish is appreciated also I wanna keep the total fish load down to two or three depending on size.


the plant is halimeda its a calcium loving plant they grow like crazy in a calcium rich enviorment this one came from my buddy's tank his grew from a softball size to a basketball in 2 months, also im gonna keep some sps in here too so it helps to know if my calcium is in check


Btw what I have in saltwater experience I lack in photography the pics do the tank no justice lol any tips on taking pics


nice tank, i got a 20 gallon regular right now. when i fill that up i plan on gettin a 20 gallon long. wut kind of hang on filter do u have?
do u have a skimmer too?


Originally Posted by fish addict
I love your tank, it beautiful! Love the clam!
thanks the clam is a crocea not the "prettiest" but deffinatley my favorate, very moody too lol


Originally Posted by b0bby1
nice tank, i got a 20 gallon regular right now. when i fill that up i plan on gettin a 20 gallon long. wut kind of hang on filter do u have?
do u have a skimmer too?

I run an AC 20 filled with crushed LR and an AC 70 modded to a fuge, for my skimmer I run a red sea airstone driven skim that I use 2 times a week overnight,


here is my specs
AGA 20 gal long with a blue painted background
2 powerheads 1 maxi-jet 1200 and a JBJ PH
2 50w heaters
AC surface skimmer attachment
coralife digi thermo
150w JBJ viper MH light 14k
I'm a BIG believer in "The Less the Better"


u got the lighting for only 50 bucks?!?! what a steal!! im asuming its the clamp on fixture? ive been looking at getting that and i can only find em for like 250-300!!!


Originally Posted by BSchaible
u got the lighting for only 50 bucks?!?! what a steal!! im asuming its the clamp on fixture? ive been looking at getting that and i can only find em for like 250-300!!!
where do you live if its in so cal i can hook you up


Originally Posted by BSchaible
thanks for the offer man, but im in h-town, texas....that would be sweet though!!!
well I'll see what I can do I may be able to get a viper MH 150 for you for $140 plus whatever shipping I'll see


Thanks for all the comments here are some more pics sorry for the lack of quality on my part I'm no photographer, check em out.
some zoo's

pretty nice peach/brown acro got it for 10 bucks from my store (new addition today)

half open- open brain (new addition still settleing down) picked it up for 10 bucks to the right some semi-bleached rics

new FTS put the acro on the top right of tank and brain in front of the right cave


Active Member
I love the aquascape way better in this tank! don't get me wrong your 10 was beautiful... your new 20 i stunning, but I already told you haha.


most deffinatley its weird cuz this huge bristle worm (bob) came out last night out of no where lol, and yes I named him