new 20 gal pics per request


how come? is it a good thing if the whole back was covered it wouldnt look bad.. but in splottches it just looks dirty but teach me so i wont think it looks dirty but looks sexy lol


It is all a matter of opinion if like coraline algea on the back of aquariums. I personally love it and waiting for the back of my aquarium to become covered by it. Sorry for hijacking your thread Joncat.


Active Member
Its cool, he's asking a ?? and we are answering. That's what this site is for. And the more coraline I have in my tank the happier I am. Coraline is part of the biological filtering of a salt tank. I just keep the sides and front clean


ok thanks guys that makes sence the more bio filtration the better right lol. thanks for helping me guys!!! A++++ to you guys lol


Great pics of a great tank! What is the name of the yellow zoos that are featured in the 3rd pic down? I picked up some last night and I'm not sure of the correct common name for them.


Wow...great looking tank! The rics are VERY nice! Hey... I just realized your from Middletown and I'm from Oxford (Miami U if you know where that is...) What LFS do you go to?


Active Member
yeah I know where oxford is I like to play Hueston Woods golf course...I usually go to Aquatic pets and ponds in springboro...nice guys to deal with


Active Member
motlot---I have a pygmy angel fish
coral banded shrimp
cleaner shrimp
various hermits and snails
I had a potter's angel in there til he went carpet surfing and my dog got him.


Originally Posted by joncat24
thanks gina....
cyclops wanted to see some new ones of my little tank

WOW Sorry it took me awile I am out of town. Nice tank. You never stop amazing me
. Your 20 Gallon looks as good as your 180. What are you using to get that much coralline algea, that is just crazy. Is that a carpet anenome I see on the left. I have so many questions but will save them for later. I really like your tanks.


Active Member
this made my day... i have a 20gal with 130w pc and this is what im trying to do... i dont do that much of a water change but i have a skimmer... beautiful tank...


Active Member
thanks taznut....I have dropped it back to 2 gallons a week on the water changes and everything is perfect. I moved the output flow on the magnum and the top is clear finally. It had a film on it before