new 20 gal progress


You have a great looking tank! I had been thinking about buying a 29 Gallon Biocube but today I found somebody who is leaving the hobby and he sold me his set up. It is a 20 gallon long like yours abd I hope mine looks as nice as yours someday.
How many fish do you have in the tank?
Do you feed your corals?
how often do you do water changes?
My set up:
20 gallon long
Coralife PC 130 watts
25 lbs of Live rock
40 Lbs of Live Sand
2 Power heads
Aquaclear filter
4x hermits
3x snails
2 blue Damsels
food + plus tones of extras
All of the above for $250 Canadian, this guys has ahd this tank running for 3 months only so everything is almost brand new.
Im really excited about this SW tank. I will pick it up tonight or tomorrow.


Active Member
blue ram--I have a pymgy angel and a potters angel, a skumk cleaner and a coral banded shrimp a few snails and hermits. I feed corals twice a week with a mix of cyclopeeze and frozen mysis shrimp.
I do a 2-3 gallon water change every week.
h.o.t. magnum filter and one small powerhead
current 130 watt 50/50 pc
best of luck on your new setup


Active Member
he is doing new ones right now . Maybe I will get some up tomorrow or sat...thanks for the comments


Cool Tank man....but I have a question for you. I see that some of your corals are a few inches away from the top of the tank. How can you do a water change without exposing the corals to the air, or leaving them out of the water for a little while.


Active Member
I really like the brain on the left side of your tank, looking good
I have a pygmy in my 15 gal and I am hoping he stays happy in it cause i have a flame angel in my 150 (didn't think about that when i got the pygmy).. Good luck with your nano.


Active Member
thanks puffer
blue ram---when I do a water change , I only take out two gallons so nothing is even close to getting air...


Active Member
currently, I dont work...which gives me plenty of time to work on my tanks...LOL
The 180 just a got the whole day cleaning and rearranging treatment today, then I went and got a new hippo for it. put some pics up tomorrow, he is still hiding a bit right now...


Active Member
made a couple good and there

the 2o is nothing should see the
plus I get some really good deals at the lfs


Active Member
got a free 29 gallon so tomorrow everything gets a new home.....will post pics whenever the cloud settles