New 20 Gallon pictures.


Active Member
Specs on this tank are it is a 20 gallon high, with 40lbs of LS; 30lbs of LR, 40 corals; 300 watts of VHO light 3-50/50 and 1 actinic; CPR back pac skimmer; 2 maxi-jet 600's for water movement. I also do a 2 gallon water change 1-2 times a week. With RODI top off water each day. I also have two fans for cooling. I will be getting a micro chiller in the next couple of weeks since it's getting hot now in texas.
Any other questions I forgot?


Active Member
I dont know that I can tell you all the corals in this tank. There are mushrooms, xenia, acros, scroll, table top, all kinds of zoo's, frogspawn, SPS who knows what kinds, 4 brains, 3 candy cane's, I am not looking at the tank so I cannot tell you. Three fish, 2 clowns and one red head goby. 1 Cleaner shrimp and 1 pep shrimp, 4 hermit crabs and 10 snails.
Cannot think of anything else. It will come to me later.


Active Member
no fuge. I do the water changes because I dont dose anything but DT's so I want to make sure the water has enough nutrients in it. And it makes everyone so happy.