New 20 gallon


Im going to start a 20 gallon nano. I would like to know a complete list of things to stock/buy for it. So far Im looking to buy......
15 lbs live rock
6 lbs base rock
20 lbs ls
24" power compacts
2 power heads
A good test kit
2 false perc clowns
Brain coral
Bubble coral
Leather coral
mushroom coral
Cleanup crew (7 emeral crabs, 1 cleaner shrimp, 7 mexican turbos)
This will be my 2nd attempt after a test 10 gallon tank. Will this be overstocked or good
....I think I have everything, thought Id check here before I start....thanks for your expertese!


Active Member
The only thing is that 7 emeralds is too many for a 20 gallon. I would probably put 1 maybe 2 in there.


You should only have one mexican turbo for every 20 gallons. I nstead of having that many MT get one of them and about 10-15 of the smaller snails. I ahve a 20 gallon and that is waht I have right now and they are doing a great job. Also I have 10-15 blue legged hermits which help quite a bit.