Im setting up a 20 gallon long as a small reef tank, I took out some sand from an old setup (about 15lbs) and put it there but with all new water and live rock from from my main tank, a good 30 lbs of it and let it run 2 days before I put anything in it, i put a bunch of small frags in there and all was well until the 5th day of it being setup and running, almost everything is closed up now yesterday and today :notsure: , so i put the expensive stuff back in the main tank and im watching the paremeters now closely and keeping an eye on some of the others i left in there. Should I take everything out and let it run for awhile then put everything back in it. There are no fish in their so how would cycling work with this or does it need it, Ive never done a reef tank from the start without fish in it. Also I have a refuge/sump with feather calupra in there? :help: if a coral dies does it create amonia? :help:
any advice would be appreciated
any advice would be appreciated