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gorgeous kickster!! I recently went bare bottom as well.. what do you do to combat the detrius that settles on the bottom?


Active Member
there really isnt much but if you take a powerhead and blow it to a corner then suck it out while doing a waterchange- it stays real clean- hows yours working out for you?


it's working out pretty decent actually.... I'm getting ready to set up an above tank, fuge/sump... Each side will have an overflow, the sump part will hold a skimmer, and the overflow will be designed to be a surge. It the surge fails, it will just over flow over the divider, and into the fuge, where it will drain.. I'm thinking aobut putting the two surge points, in the back top corners, pointing down w/ 45's..... We'll see how it comes out!


Hey jkickster21 i seen that halide on Im looking to light my 60 gallon hex. Instead of spending $500 on a halide prism pendant im thinking of getting the XM you have. Im not sure if the 250w would be enough. I think they have a 400watter i think. Do they give you the stuff you need to hang it from the celling. I think i seen that halide for $289 with the bulb and the ballast not bad. What do you keep under that lite softies and hard corrals how bout clams? Im not sure if the 250 will be enought for hard corrals and clams in my 60 its 28 inches deep. Maybe it will be give me some input. Also i see you got the 20,000k so that it would supply your achtinic light. How does it look do you wish you would have gotten a like 10,000 and then another source for achtinic. Or does the 20,000k look good.


Active Member
hey gixxer- first off- im glad you like that tank-
i cant sey where i got the light (against forum rules) but all total it was about 300- if that helps- I dont have any clams yet- but i may get one in the future- as far as a 250 over your 60- it would be great for a few stonies at the tom and softies at the bottom but if i were you i would try and go for the 400watt pendant- and as far a color temp goes- the growth under a higher kelvin is a litle slower but overall- still good- 6500 is great for getting them going fast but it is very yellow- i was nervous at first b/c i had never seen the color of the 20K XM but i must say that i am very pleased- for my taste it is the perfect color- not too blue and not to yellow- i love it and would recommend it to anyone- HTH if you need anything else, just ask- its what im here for- Later