New 200 rr, getting ready


The tank is ready for the next! Ugh. I hired an experienced person to help with that and tuesday is the big day. He picked up the 70 gallon sump and protein skimmer already to start getting those ready and tuesday we hook stuff up and see if the darn thing holds water!! :cheer:


I have been working on my list of inhabitants for this tank, and it's funny, but I'd rather have smaller and more rather than larger and fewer. The occupants from my 125 that will be moving over to their new digs included: flame angel, 2 anthias (1 male, 1 female), 2 yellow tailed damsels (they'll be the first to move, the "testers"),red tailed wrasse, maroon clown, yellow watchman goby, and mandarin.
The other fish I'm interested in are: more anthias, tassled filefish, royal gramma, achilles tang, sailfin tang and a pgymy angel. And whatever else may strike my fancy.....this is going to be lots of fun.


It'll be reef. Right now I have alot of corals, but not many in the SPS family as I only have PC's on the 125. But the lights for the 200 gallon is a 72" MH with 3 250 HQ bulbs. I'm also going to keep the PC's going on it also.
I bought this tank almost a year ago, and have been picking up the equipment for it over the past several months as $$ has been available.