new 20G SW tank


Active Member
That would be quite a bit of fish for a 20 gal tank. I have been told to have 1 inch per 5 gallons. Meaning that damsel will account for 10 gallons since it is probably at least 2 inches long. As long as you keep a regular water change once a week though of 15-20 % you should be ok maybe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by johnnyd
idk why? i know the mininum tank size should be 50g but i think it will be fin e in the 20g for qiut a while. its really small. i know they grow fast and ive seen them in tanks not much bigger and do fine. im gonna get a clown and maybe one other small fish and thats it. i also have 2 snail. 1 asteria and one turbo. also 1 peppermint shrimp. 1 damsel in it rigght now with the eel? would a clown and 1 other small fish be ok in the 20g?
because 9 times out of 10 the tank never gets bigger and the fish suffer.
other then that i like your stock list. minus the eel, the eel alone will max your filtration in a short time "very messy"
my 20 gallon stock list is
2 B&W clowns
six line wrasse
pajama cardinal
yellow watchman
cleaner shrimp x2
fire shrimp
10 red leg hermits
10 Nassarius snails
4 turbos


Originally Posted by johnnyd
idk why? i know the mininum tank size should be 50g but i think it will be fin e in the 20g for qiut a while. its really small. i know they grow fast and ive seen them in tanks not much bigger and do fine. im gonna get a clown and maybe one other small fish and thats it. i also have 2 snail. 1 asteria and one turbo. also 1 peppermint shrimp. 1 damsel in it rigght now with the eel? would a clown and 1 other small fish be ok in the 20g?

Originally Posted by sexyshrimp101

Also, things such as shrimp and small fish will be eaten by the SFE since they are not reef safe. SFE's are very pretty though, just have to be careful with what you put with it.
Apparently my post was ignored if you have shrimp in with the SFE. And I quote from Wet Web Media (as well as other reputable sites, and reputable books):
"Echidna nebulosa's diet IS mainly crabs and shrimps in the wild. They will assuredly eat yours in captivity."
Why ask for advice


Originally Posted by sexyshrimp101
Apparently my post was ignored if you have shrimp in with the SFE. And I quote from Wet Web Media (as well as other reputable sites, and reputable books):
"Echidna nebulosa's diet IS mainly crabs and shrimps in the wild. They will assuredly eat yours in captivity."
Why ask for advice

it seems like 50/50 with the sfe. people oon here say they have never attacked there fish shrimp or crabs because the sfe was kept well feed. others say they have lost shrimp and smalll fish. i will keep an eye on things if it eats the shrimp>>>>>well no more shrimp in that tank. also i plan on getting the h.o.t magnum canister filter its rated at 250gph this will be alot better than the filter i have on there now. i plan on taking out the damsel and getting 1 flase perc and 2 other small fish.


just picked up a 65 watt 50/50 coralife light along with the 15 watt one i have now. new stocklist im putting a coral beaty in my tank tomm. and taking the damsel out. SFE, coral beauty, and a false perc clown be ok in my tank. those will be the only fish. im getting a new filter soon and picking up a prizm or seaclone skimmer also. which skimmer is better thanks everyone!!! ill post a new pic tonight. i also added more LR.