new 24ga DX?


i might save for a few more weeks and get the new DX24 with moonlight, but i need a few questions answered first. all the parts like, lighting,filter, etc... is is good enough or will i have to upgrade? and can i keep any hard coral like open brain?


Active Member
There are a few things that you can do to make it better-
They are good but for a brain you made need more than 72W that the 24 comes with


what are the "few things" i can do. a guy on here said that the nano cube lighting will be plenty for a open brain cause he has one. so i dont know what to do now. lol( confused ):notsure:


Active Member
Dont use the bioballs or ceramic rings that come with it.
Use good sand not crushed coral.
Use live rock pieces and chaeto
Also run a bag of Chemi-Pure- the stuff works wonders!
Also you can cut notches above the inlet to create an overflow/skimmer
Ditch the original return pump. Im not sure what people are using in the 24 since it is quite new. I would check around with others that have the 24 to see what they have switched to.
Also get a powerhead for the display. I have an Eheim 600 so maybe the 1000 would be good for your situation. They are adjustable.
You cant have enough flow.
Last be VERY patient. You can add the sand and live rock from the start. Use a raw shrimp to cycle your tank instead of damsels.
If you have anymore questions let me know. Ill be glad to help


man i thought the tank came with everything i needed.:mad: . i dont understand about cuttin the notches cause i am yet to see a nano cube in real life, only on what is chemi-pure an what does it do


Active Member
They arent very well made. After just a few months the flow is pretty bad. Not from clogging either.
Also the flow isnt that good to start with.
Chemi-pure is sort of like carbon on crack.
It is hard to explain because of all the stuff it does
Email me and I can send you a link to a full description of the stuff.
Here is a picture of the overflow mod for the cubes.


how much should the return pump cost? how long after i set up the tank, add my carbon on crack, and the dead cocktail shrimp can i add a hermit crab and a cleaner clam?


Active Member
I think I paid 18 bucks for mine so your should be less than 30.
I would wait to add the chemi pure until after your tank is cycled.
Add the shrimp on the first day
No shrimps crabs clams or anything until the tank is cycled.
Have you decided on what salt to use?
What kind of water?
Do you have your test kits?



Originally posted by ClarkiiClo
Technically I guess mine is still in there. LOL
I didnt take it out I let it decompose completely

How big was it.. was it a cooked one, or a raw one? shell or no shell? Just wondering?
It probably doesn't matter...


New Member
are u sure about using tap water? no ones recommends it ; use reverse osmosis water (RO) .. from the grocery. also if u can wait another few weeks u can get the really new 2005 model wich is supposed to be better than the actual 24g (wich suffers from extreme evaporation ...etc); don't get fooled by the monlights..there is no real DX version of the 24g. I am still waiting btw.
friendly advice : do a lot of reading here on [Illegal Site Reference] and [Illegal Site Reference] u need it :happy:


Active Member
Tap water is not a good. Way too many impurities.
I use Oceanic Salt. Really fast dissolving.
Buy an RO unit. It will be most cost effective in the long run.
If you get an under sink model you get to drink good water too!
You can make moonlights for really cheap. I have a good set of plans
Salifert makes good test kits. I suggest one of those
Use a raw cocktail shrimp no shell
Do lots of reading and question asking BEFORE you put your tank up
Please be ready for what you are getting in to our you will not be happy and end up selling your tank in a few months
PS jgrossi- no links


New Member
when i saw the nano 12 i got it because i thought it looked really nice
but i kind of wish i didn't get it
lighting is nice
the water flow isn't the greatest... i'm not happy with the filtration... it only cleans whatever flows through the "hole"
i don't think the water flow is strong enough for certain coral
i suggest adding a powerhead


i have an will continue to ask tons an tons of questions. LOL. one of my LFS' has a huge tank, like 500+ and i was gunna see if i could buy water from them since its allready cycled. then i could add my fish within a 2-3 weeks instead of 6. i have a big questoin tho. i went to another LFS and its horrible, i dont know what i can do tho, the big cages are gross, the freshwater fish have filters that i swear are a year old an never been cleant + dead fish floating around, the saltwater tanks have no lighting with corals an stuff and fish with bio-wheel filters that are so clogged the wheel doesnt spin. what can i do to help?:help: