New 250 Fowlr suggestions please


New Member
I would appreciate some suggestions. We are setting up a new 250gal tank. We want to do fish only with live rock and have more bold but not exactly aggressive fish. We have had a 55gal salt water and thought we were doing really good however I have found some things on this site I never new about-surprise surprise. So I would like some suggestions especially on the following.
I was hoping to get some suggestions on lighting. We have heard lots of things from lfs but I want some opinions from you guys before we get any further with the tank (which is currently empty). We really aren't planning on doing reef. We love it but haven't had such good luck with it. Could be because of advice, but we really love the fish! :happyfish
I was aslo curious about some info on sumps and refugiums (sp) and how they are set up. Have heard some about them but never looked into them before. I am also very curious on the RO Units and how those who use them like them. If you have one or know exactly what they do would you mind telling me? I think I understand what I have read but I really want to make sure. :notsure:
Anyone know a good way to find out the adult size of fish without having to buy/search/borrow 100 books?
Also some fish suggestions would be nice. It looks like it will be awhile finacially before we start adding fish. I have done some research and want to do more first. I hate killing things. Some of the fish types we like in genral are butterfly, tangs, puffers, file fish, angles, and lionfish. I know some of these are not compatible with each other and many are one per tank only but it is just to give you and idea of what we like. BTW we currently have the following fish who will be moving to the larger tank: Vlamingi Tang, Sailfin Tang, and a Pink Spotted Goby. We also have a Cleaner Shrimp and a Peppermint Shrimp, some inverts and a Green Serpent Star (yes I know the predator style of these guys. Husband didn't when he bought it. However we hve been quite lucky so far....knock on wood.) Pretty much everything in the tank will be moving. We want to restart the 55 with all of the proper advice including getting rid of the crushed coral which was recommended 3yrs ago. I think we also want to try reef with it. Would reef be easier/better in the larger tank though?
Also when adding the clean up crew is it best to add it all at once and when would be best to add it? Before fish, after fish, with fish? What we use for a cleanup crew is going to depend on the fish we choose-right?
Once we get it set up enough for live rock and sand and start it cycling (got some nice pointers there thank you!) it will probably be a few months before we add anything else unless we need to start adding a clean up crew right away. Is there an average amount of cycles we should wait before adding fish?
Any suggestions are helpful and appreciated. Sorry there is so much. I feel a little lost now that so much of the advice we got along the way from other sources is looking like it was not the best way to go.
Thank you ahead of time! :happy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by kails83
I would appreciate some suggestions. We are setting up a new 250gal tank. We want to do fish only with live rock and have more bold but not exactly aggressive fish. We have had a 55gal salt water and thought we were doing really good however I have found some things on this site I never new about-surprise surprise. So I would like some suggestions especially on the following.
I was hoping to get some suggestions on lighting. We have heard lots of things from lfs but I want some opinions from you guys before we get any further with the tank (which is currently empty). We really aren't planning on doing reef. We love it but haven't had such good luck with it. Could be because of advice, but we really love the fish! :happyfish
The light is only for viewing the fish so whatever u feel is enough is all you need. The lr does not really require lighting.
I was aslo curious about some info on sumps and refugiums (sp) and how they are set up. Have heard some about them but never looked into them before. I am also very curious on the RO Units and how those who use them like them. If you have one or know exactly what they do would you mind telling me? I think I understand what I have read but I really want to make sure. :notsure:
basically they are to add water volume to increase water stablity and help clean the water. Each one acompl. this in different ways. Typically the sump is mechanical such as a skimmer, reactors, etc. High flow and designed to remove nutrients. The fuge on the other hand removes nutrients as well, but typically is low flow, has lr, plants, pods, some snails, maybe a hurt fish. In the sump u clean the skimmer, replace the carbon etc to remove the waste, when i clean my sump I harvest the plants. Typical design is to pull the water from the top of the tank and have it go to a lower tank where it is 'processed' by the fuge/sump and then repumped to the display tank.
DI/RO units basically produce ultra clean water. I think having one is very important. It can help avoid algae blooms and gives the fish clean water to swim in. The one catch is DI units waste 3-4 gal of water for every 1 gal it produces. In other words the filters and membrane reject large amounts of water. Varies on your tds readings from the tap, water pressure, and water temp, but a general rule is around that. TDS stands for total dissolved solids which vary a considerable amount, which u want as little as possible. Example would be here in sf out of the tap tds readings are 35ppm, not bad really, but after the DI it is 0-1. If your one a well it can be much higher, my parents commonly have tds readings of 220.
Anyone know a good way to find out the adult size of fish without having to buy/search/borrow 100 books?
Also some fish suggestions would be nice. It looks like it will be awhile finacially before we start adding fish. I have done some research and want to do more first. I hate killing things. Some of the fish types we like in genral are butterfly, tangs, puffers, file fish, angles, and lionfish. I know some of these are not compatible with each other and many are one per tank only but it is just to give you and idea of what we like. BTW we currently have the following fish who will be moving to the larger tank: Vlamingi Tang, Sailfin Tang, and a Pink Spotted Goby. We also have a Cleaner Shrimp and a Peppermint Shrimp, some inverts and a Green Serpent Star (yes I know the predator style of these guys. Husband didn't when he bought it. However we hve been quite lucky so far....knock on wood.) Pretty much everything in the tank will be moving. We want to restart the 55 with all of the proper advice including getting rid of the crushed coral which was recommended 3yrs ago. I think we also want to try reef with it. Would reef be easier/better in the larger tank though?
Also when adding the clean up crew is it best to add it all at once and when would be best to add it? Before fish, after fish, with fish? What we use for a cleanup crew is going to depend on the fish we choose-right?
Once we get it set up enough for live rock and sand and start it cycling (got some nice pointers there thank you!) it will probably be a few months before we add anything else unless we need to start adding a clean up crew right away. Is there an average amount of cycles we should wait before adding fish?
Any suggestions are helpful and appreciated. Sorry there is so much. I feel a little lost now that so much of the advice we got along the way from other sources is looking like it was not the best way to go.
Thank you ahead of time! :happy:


Active Member
seriously, have a lfs or something set it up for you. you can prop pay someone much less and it will survive much better.


New Member
Originally Posted by maeistero
seriously, have a lfs or something set it up for you. you can prop pay someone much less and it will survive much better.

Geee, maybe that is why I am here. To learn more and do it right. No need to be rude. How else are you supposed to learn? I wouldn't have asked for help knowing people were just going to be rude and YELL. Back off or be helpful.


Active Member
See I disagree I think a big tank is much better for a person starting out that is trying to learn how to do it correctly. Reason being with a water volume of 250 gallons it is muuuch more forgiving and able to buffer a ooops than say a 50 gallon tank. My suggestion though is to keep asking questions and pickup a few books because this tank will be a considerable investment and while forgiving if it does crash the cost will be considerable to restart.
The questions you man want to be thinking about now are you going to to dsb or barebottom for the tank, are you going to have a sump w/skimmers/fuge. The fish you will have plenty of time to pick out later, first make a solid, well equipped tank and u will have happy and long living :happyfish


New Member
Thanks for the advice.
I was asking about fish only because I want to do research and make the right choices.
I am pretty sure we are going to do a sand bed. Even though we have discussed doing a FO I am sure my husband will change his mind. I will probably change mine too. But just so we know is it better to have a dsd or barebottom with a FO? Does it depend on the fish?
I also think we are going to do a fuge. I have seen a lot of things that people have said on why they use them. They seem to be a good idea and investment. I will get a couple of books from the library. I am sure they will have some more info on fuges/sumps etc.
Just so you know we were told the same thing about the larger tank. We had originally thought to do fresh but we enjoy the other salt tank we have. To bad we didn't ask questions sooner. That's okay though. This tank will be set up right and we can work on the 55 while we are at it.
Thank you again.