new 265 gallon


Who designed the powerhead system, Magic Alex? In joke for us over 50's ;)
Get used to people nitpicking things here instead of just saying nice tank. Who cares what the dimensions are, it's a beautiful tank!


i love your blue throat trigger! where did u get him? nice tank!


Originally Posted by mystic7
Who designed the powerhead system, Magic Alex? In joke for us over 50's ;)
Get used to people nitpicking things here instead of just saying nice tank. Who cares what the dimensions are, it's a beautiful tank!
, thats you mystic! Always crying. Nitpicking things? should we always just say "beautiful tank" no matter what we think??? I know you dont think those 10 powerheads and 2 returns looks good.
p.s- no one cares the dimensions but as oceana said , its weird that someone has no idea how big their own tank is, dont you think?


Active Member
GAWWWGEOUS!! LOVE the blue background, it's positively luminous against that fabulous collection of fish. Do you plan to add more LR?


i like how the light reflects on the back wall too...dont ask why it just looks cool...
BTW/OT where u been mimzy i havent seen online in a long time...(


Active Member
Originally Posted by Key00west
i've been busy working on getting this bad-boy up and running

How long has it been up? Looks Great!


Originally Posted by emmitt
, thats you mystic! Always crying. Nitpicking things? should we always just say "beautiful tank" no matter what we think??? I know you dont think those 10 powerheads and 2 returns looks good.
p.s- no one cares the dimensions but as oceana said , its weird that someone has no idea how big their own tank is, dont you think?
What are you, my shadow? If you don't think it's a nice looking tank, then say so. You know what? I don't know what my tank's dimensions are. All I know is it's 6' long. I'd love to see your tank, it's probably a 55 tall with 2 rocks in it. Of course the important thing is, what are the dimensions?


Your shadow?? thats funny. Somehow you always end up posting in every thread i do.
I think its a very nice tank, except for the 10 powerheads as i said 3 times. Not to hard to find pics of my tank
And yes i have a vague idea how big it is :thinking:


the funny thing is we weren't sure if it would look good with the blue background, but after everything cleared up and the fish swimming around it looks good,
the tank has been up and running for about 3 weeks now, got really lucky with the sand situation, all the sand came from the 120 and most of the water, of course had to add much more new water, not ONE single fish or coral died in the moveing, this is the 3rd tank moved and setup in the past few months, lots of work and still much more to do, as for the power heads, not worried about the electric or heating, the water doesn't go any higher then 78, chiller helps with that, if i was worried about the power bill wouldn't have had this one, plus a 120 plus a 90 gallon setup in the house. thanks for all the compliments and input :joy: i'll be posting more picture this week after some more rock and fish and corals are added, just added 50 more hermits.


Originally Posted by emmitt
Your shadow?? thats funny. Somehow you always end up posting in every thread i do.
I think its a very nice tank, except for the 10 powerheads as i said 3 times. Not to hard to find pics of my tank
And yes i have a vague idea how big it is :thinking:
Really? Funny how I never notice your posts enough to comment directly on them. I guess I'm not as fascinated in you as you are in me.


Originally Posted by mystic7
Really? Funny how I never notice your posts enough to comment directly on them. I guess I'm not as fascinated in you as you are in me.
I think we all find your incessant whining hilarious so it's not to hard to notice


Active Member
Alright guys, thats enough. Nice tank, personally, even though having that many powerheads in the tank may look strange, in your tank it looks good, and ensures that there are NO dead spots.


ooof, heated thread, that tank is AWESOME, haha i dont think I (let alone my fish) could deal with the stress of moving and taking care of 3 tanks! holy cow! but if you did it, and none of your fish/corals died, i am very impressed. i dont know how, but all those fish are my favorite! its like my dream tank haha. even though you cant number them, can you give a rough number, and various variety of the nice(r) corals that you have! what else do you have in plan for this tank? any hammer heads or black tip reef sharks goin in there? haha its a great tank, have me over for dinner ANY TIME haha


I cant stop looking at that tank Maybe I should steal it, lol just kidding keep up the good work


awesome tank.. great selection of fish :)
Not so great thread due to the fact that people are lame and like to argue.. get a life! give eachother your email address and bicker back and forth there.. no body wants to read your nonsense.


New Member
wow, really nice. the stand and canopy look really good also. i think thats my dream tank also! im jealous! :happyfish