new 265 gallon


there are 18 fish, and most of the coral are mushrooms, and zoo's, the stand used to be a light wood color, but we sanded it and repainted it a sea green sand texture color, and the canopy used to be two parts, but put the both together and made into one, the hard part about that is it makes it just a little more difficult haveing to add anything into it, but we came up with a way to prop up the front and have easy acsess(sp) to the inside, just added 2 more bar gobys, one clown goby, and 3 blue cromies, and two more rocks with dark green yumas. but here are a couple more pictures



its nice to lay down on that couch and just watch the tankk, LOL we've got a 50" tv on the other wall next to the 120, just for reference the door to the left of the tank it 9 feet high :jumping:


How big is that naso? I love that fish its amazing.. My LFS has a HUGE one its at least a foot long.


Originally Posted by N_Sarno
awesome tank.. great selection of fish :)
Not so great thread due to the fact that people are lame and like to argue.. get a life! give eachother your email address and bicker back and forth there.. no body wants to read your nonsense.

I guarantee you that if me and "the guy who doesn't even have a tank" dragged you into our little chat that, like 2Fishy, you'd be joining in on the fun.
As for the tank, like I said before, it's gorgeous. The only thing I don't like about FOWLR's is (and I have one myself, not knocking you in the least) that it doesn't seem like an environment one would find colorful saltwater fish in. Looks too much like the Jersey shore. But if given the choice I'd rather have the type of fish that you and I have than to stare at corals.
Oh, and since no one picked up on the Magic Alex reference, he was this "electronics genius" that The Beatles hired to build their studio at Apple. He built a 64 track studio, but hooked up 64 tiny speakers, one for each track. The powerheads reminded me of that. Not knocking the setup at all.


I'll let you keep twisting and making an idiot of yourself for a little longer. If you can't find anyone intelligent enough in your "family" to do a search, maybe i'll repost the pics for ya 0


Active Member
Emmitt and Mystic7 -
Once again, a warning to ignore each other. Your behavior is on the verge of earning you a ban.


what paint did you use? I love the color. I am icking up a 150 this week and I am trying to pick a color.


One of the best looking tanks I've seen. It looks VERY clean, as in straight, as in...well I think you know what I mean. Awesome job, unique too.


Active Member
holy crap keywest .. you are insane .. you have the best looking tanks in the world .. those are definetly the best looking tanks I have seen on this website .. you should put it on the best tank competition thread .. you'd win .. keep up the fricken insane work .. and if you ask me .. keep all the powerheads .. I'd rather have 2 powerheads than one anyday if they equal the same power .. later